Just for fun

I decided it would be a good idea to attempt to paint Mike’s (spd-dmn) coil pack cover thingy on his SR.

I did a pretty horrible job but from a far it looks a lot like what I was going for.

I used flat black for the majority and chrome for the lettering.

Too bad it looks like shit up close :slight_smile:




yay ! looks sweet. good jeorb!

it looks shitty when you actually see it, it was really hard to cut out the tape - it would have turned out a lot better if i had wide masking tape, wherever I had to overlap it, those parts got screwed up because it was thicker and harder to cut through in the little tiny spots.

if i did it again it would likely turn out a lot better.

the other mistake was sanding it AFTER i taped it - the dust from the paint got all packed in the smaller parts and managed to get under some of the tape and it wasn’t sticky anymore after that. the result was some of the thin pieces lifting and not masking properly allowing some overspray on to parts where it should have been black.

from a distance or at first glance its pretty sexy, like in the low quality picture above.

if you inspect it, it’s quite poopy :slight_smile:

mike wasn’t happy with me :frowning:

So do it again… lol

its aluminum like all the valve cover? If so why would u tape anything? Paint the whole thing let it dry then just get a sanding brick and sand the words. It will comeout the same probably look 100X’s better cause taping sucks. This is what a shop in town told me who paints old musle car covers. They dip them in acid and crazy stuff to to clean them.

Any time I am ever doing any detail stuff like lettering, I never tape it of I just draw on the letter with Chapstick.

Then when you paint over the chapstick, the paint can’t dry and you can just wipe it off when the rest of the plate is dry.

chapstick haha… or grease for those with already hydrated lips.

cock polish, its not just for cock anymore

That’s cool, I’ve never heard of anyone doing that.
Any other tips?

I want me stuff back


chapstick is horrible, use vaseline !

terrible job

i want my money back

I want my stuff

benson ill sell you your stuff back for 50 bucks for everything

And that will be followed by a kick in the Nuts :slight_smile:

no rush man, when ever you can get it back

its in d’s garage ready for the taking if you ever need it… or ill deliver it back to large’s myself when i get the chance

I’m home all day today if you want to either A limp over or B send one of your many minons over to get it.

Hahaha Ill talk to the Minions. I still can not drive