Just got a ticket F*ck, help me out fight it...

lol wtf… your married, and your still afraid of your parents finding out?

grow some balls…



What do you get for 375? Holy.

yeah i got quoted for 150 for my speeding ticket which was 59 in a 40

Where does it say he was married? :rolleyes: Or did I just miss it cuz im tired this morning… and 375 Sounds really high they caught me doing 148kmh on the 427 south in a 100 zone nailed me for 5 points and a 575$ ticket it cost me 250$ through x-copper to get everything dropped no points. Showed up on my record tho… Just didnt lose any points which is really nice. Atleast the cop was pretty nice. I guess they treat u better when ur wearing a 500 dollar suit and not dressed all ragged.

All of those ex-copper type places have different definitions of “winning your case”. That’s why the costs varry so much. I’ve used OntarioTrafficTickets before and they are a bit more expensive but guarentee a full removal of the ticket or they pay your fine…other places that charge less only guarentee a reduction of the fine and possibly points on your licence.

Either way they save you a lot of hassle since they handle every part of the case from taking your ticket to the court, setting up your court date and representing you at the trial.

CGGUY is right, fight the power. Cops usually never show, or the Crown may may pull you aside before the date and see if they can bargin it down before it goes and wastes everyones time. Sounds like you haven’t been to court…last one I had to go to was City of York on Eglinton and it was full of the biggest lowlife career-criminal drunks you have ever seen. I thought my Skyline would get boosted in the parking lot. So they will be thrilled to see a guy like you, be polite, dress nice, be factual and state something like “you believe you came to a complete stop and proceeded as no one was around it was late.”

Anyway my last visit (stupid old sticker) cop didn’t show, they must have tossed $10,000 worth of tickets everyone was crying halleluyah in the hall when they left.


And that is very worth the money.

Well I’ve signed the contract, still haven’t paid them, but there is a 30 day period until I can pay them. 375$ is quite a bit… God willing this ticket will be ripped to pieces… The guy on the phone seemed business and meant business so yea.

The guy who pulled me over was an analy retentive cop who was just WAITING desperately to fill his ticket quota… I was shocked that someone was behind me, it was a complete zombie town… but yea no wonder he was all polite and smiling at me after giving me the ticket lol… the irony is that he pulled back, u turned and accelerated like a mad man after giving me the ticket. Like what an example to society. :rolleyes: I’ve noticed how sometimes cops when they’re in a thrill mood they run THROUGH red lights and speed like maniacs (without their lights on)… can you believe I used to want to be a cop. I was going to take all the medical, physical, mental and psychological, tests, etc… I still have all the documentation… It’s never about safety or well being, it’s in the end all about money…

I remember this one time will in york waiting for my wife in front of a building, i got two cops on me, I mean I was parked, so BOTH of them got out of the car and almost surrounded me… go figure. They wrote some ticket note of sorts but said it’s nothing, not praking ticket, not any kind of ticket just regular checkup, and they checked the car and driver’s license, papers, etc… and then asked me to sign some ‘inspection’ notice or some bull like that and just said there’s no problem and left happy. There was no charge or anything on that paper though, just that it was a regluar checkup. How lame…

Deal with it, cops can and will do anything they want. It your words against theirs. Who do you think the judge is going to believe?

Try to touch him to prove something and you’ll be even deeper shit.

Just relax already and stop worrying like the judge (or worse yet your parents) are to take away your car or something.

Ahmed, welcome to Canada? You talk like you’re surprised but you live in Oakville, we are both minorties here, get used to it.


actually most police officers do show up. I mean, why wouldn’t they? regardless if they get paid to attend the trial or not, they’d rather do jack in court then patrolling the streets
You should’ve just done this yourself cause 100% gauranteed that the prosecutors will reduce your charges (usually to 0 demerit points with a lesser fine, all you need to do is plead guilty to the lesser charge)
what you’re really paying for is having the guy wake up, put on a nice suit (out of your pocket of course, due to the raping fees), show up in court like all the other offenders with coffee in one hand and papers in the other, talk to the officer and prosecutor (cause they know each other) shake hands, agree to the lesser charge and say what you would’ve said to the judge if you were there…

Cops keep within the boundaries of the law; they can’t and cannot do anything they want. Just because some half-witted guy told you otherwise doesn’t mean it’s true. I mean, everyone embellishes the situation to make them look like angles.

A_Ahmed, you went through a red light without stopping, it’s a traffic violation and you got caught. Fight the ticket, it’s within your full legal right but don’t play the victim.