Just got pulled over...

I take it all back. You should have gotten fisted.

that is a hilarious story to me, but i’m sure at the time it was both annoying, and mind boggling for you. you can’t for a minute think something stupid like this will happen until it does. i have yet to be pulled over in my own driveway, but i’m sure its coming. i too slide into my driveway given the snow as my helper. i wouldn’t just recklessly come flying in or anything, just yank the old e-brake and line it up nicely. since i’m limited to FWD in the snow, i gotta have some kind of fun with it. LOL :lol :ninja

I guess I was brought up differently then a lot of people on this site, I treat strangers with respect, the same level of respect I would hope others would treat me. Its not a perfect world and that doesn’t always pay off though most often it does, at the end of the day I can look myself in the mirror and know I’ve done the right thing. The true measure of a man is how he treats those he stands to gain nothing from.

I can’t say for sure if its illegal or not to operate a motor vehicle recklessly, on your private property or someone else’s, the little searching I’ve done led me to believe that location is irrelevant. Much like operating a vehicle, on private property or not, if its not registered you can be ticketed, just because it your property doesn’t mean the laws don’t apply to you on it. The point is, that its not the officers place to argue with you about laws and how they are interpreted, that’s what the court system is for. How is the officer suppose to know its your property, because you said so? People are known to lie to save their own hide, in particular when it comes to crimes, I’m sure if you ask most prisoners of their guilt they will tell you they are innocent. So Benny was being profiled, a younger guy driving a turd(I assume it was a winter beater), he had just used an illegal drug and was driving like a goon - looks like profiling works - no offense Bennyfizzle, what you do on your own time is your business, but the actions were illegal and you were “accurately” profiled.

No one is perfect, we’ve all made mistakes and probably paid for them in one way or another, but being an asshole to a stranger because you don’t agree to the laws or how they are interpreted is unwarranted. A drop of honey attracts more flies then a gallon of gall.

Good post

i would have to say that i whole heartedly agree with timmay on this one. I dont think I will ever disrespect a police officer.

wow u itches need to take a fucking pill. apparently u couldn’t see the humor in my post.

And yup i must of been raised by wolves or sum shit!!!

oh and Timmommy!!! i never said nothing about killing any one u ball bag.
and private property does stand for alot!!!

yup i give respect were needed but ur not gonna tell me how the fuck to drive on my property it’s not a fucking public road !!! been there done that and my lawyer agree’s so doesn’t CPD douche bags too…

sorry for making a funny mr. holy than thou… u should try to come off ur fucking high horse!!! :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown

Your posts made you sound like an asshole, not funny - to mention it just about impossible to pick up sarcasm online.

The rest of your post isn’t even worth replying to.

Cant we all just be friends? :drink

i am an asshole that has been clearly stated from the day signed on here!!!

u can go back and check if u like but believe me it’s true!! :nod

iam glad that u didn’t respond to the rest i already hahave a mom, but thanks for trying!!!
it didn’t work for her either!!!

enough said, continue on!!!

I think you caught a big break… Considering you’re here to tell the story and not in jail. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to be bragging about driving under the influence though. Especially when your car is so easy to spot and uh, well, this happens to be a public forum.

Yeah :lol when he posted that i thought the same thing… “wow what a 'tard” :haha

I’ll give you that. I am not advocating that anyone should be an asshole to anyone. I am just simply saying that just because he is a police offer does not give him the right to dictate the law based on my attitude. In other words, me being sweet or even not calling him sir should not decide the ticket, for example.

I have had 5 cops at my house before due to me and all my buddys riding on my private motocross track on my land…my deushbag neighbors called them…

long story short, they all left looking like asses because they couldnt do a damn thing since it was all private property and none of the machines were stolen…it was funny seeing them trying to chase my friend down the road on his dirtbike when he was doing a no footed wheelie infront of them tapped out lol…he ended up ditching his bike in the woods and walking back through the woods and into my house haha…after the cops gave up we went and got his bike

I have had some cool cops, and some real dickhead cops…some cops, are just on a friggen power trip and deserve to be treated like shit to they can get their heads out of their asses.

i really hate driving high. srsly. i try not to, but it’s not like alcohol in this sense, not saying im not impaired to some degree, but not in the same ways as alcohol…but i’m not going to make these stoner excuses…i know it’s not the brightest thing to do.

That’s ok. People like you is why my GF makes sick cash. So, thank you!


i have never smoked anything in my life…ya I Like to drink (who doesn’t) but I wont even touch my keys once I had a sip…im so against that shit…theirs a time and a place for everything…and driving under any influence is neither the time or place.

I love this stuff. Fight the power and make your situation much worse. Smile and wave and go one with your life, no one changes the world. ;D

Benny - Srsly, your ebrake still works?

i’m not talking about the M lol, this is in the super “special” sentra lol

the bimmer’s ebrake only “works” at full rip, and even then it can be pushed a easily by two people :rofl

Understandable. I just refuse to kiss ass. :slight_smile:

It is a fact of science, EVERY thread that deals with someone getting into it with law enforcement, ends on a negative note and people fighting with each other, so if you post a cop story or w/e, expect the worst. :confused