Just got Verizon FIOS

he works with him


i know its much better. and i have SOOO many problems with the dsl cutting out. but mother wont go for it :frowning:

pssshhhh…nga please

I :heart: when n00btacular$ in their tanks get pl0wn3d by my pistol then accuse me of hacking and using aim bots. Its like bish, stfj00! :kekegay:

It seems like a tossup for fios vs cable. cable is 1mb faster and $15 more/month. I have never had my cable go out :knockonwood: and fios is relatively new. I would probably get fios if it was available over my cable, just to say I have fiber internet.

You pay for 6Mbps but more than likely don’t see that due to the nature of the cable network. If you are on an Adelphia network good luck even getting half of what you pay for. The Comcast cable network is in better shape and delivers better speeds, but you have to share a node with several hundred or thousand subscribers. The more that are on, the slower it goes.

With FIOS you have a straight pipe all the way to the central office.

$44.95 for 15 Mbps FiOS versus $42.95 (for 3 months) for 8Mbps cable?

My cable tv went out periodically but not very frequently. I switched to
DirecTV and have had no problems yet (about 2 months).

Good luck with the FiOS!!!

that shared line is a crock of shit. In the 4 years I have had adelphia i never noticed a speed drop, never. In theory, it should slow down as more people get on, but it never has for me.

My adelphia internet is a good 200-500kbps faster than both my brother’s and dad’s comcast cable internet. From a good internet server I usually download around 800k-1.3mbps.

I have had very good luck with my internet service. I have never had an outage more than a few minutes, and have only had 2-3 that I can think of in 4 years. And the speed is pretty damn good. The internet seems very slow when I goto my parents house and use their shitty ass comcast internet.

I have also heard very good things about comcast and fios, which is why I said it is a toss up. I would most definately switch to fios if adelphia switches to comcast, i’m not a big fan of comcast. My uncle and friend love their new fios and I never heard anything bad about it yet.

Adelphia was split up and is now owned by Comcast and Time Warner Cable. You are now one of 1.7 million brand new :puke: Comcast customers.

As far as the network congestion goes, there are some areas that have newer cable nodes that are more capable of handling the traffic, but it still bogs down slightly (just not to a crawl) during the peak usage hours.
Picture one traffic cop that has to direct traffic at a 1400 way intersection. :eek3:

In the end it all boils down to the destination and every hop in between. If the site you are downloading from throttles their upload or if there is a crappy router at one of the hops along the way, then it doesn’t matter how fast the connection is.

Someone mentioned having internet speeds affected by telephone and video services over FiOS. This is not likely to happen unless someone is running Voice over IP or Video over IP.

:bash: that’s the worst analogy i’ve ever heard. i honestly think the “peak” hour thing is bullshit. as far as browsing the web, dsl, fios, cable… you’re not going to notice a difference really (which depends primarily on the server’s speed along with your bandwidth). the only time bandwidth comes into play is when downloading. now as far as quality and problems are concerned, that’s an entirely different argument

I dunna man…i dont know shit about internet…but with DSL it was slow as hell at certain times of the day…I mean SLOW…like taking 15 min to check my e-mail. But with this FIOS it seems to be fast anytime.

wish i knew if we had fios out here


i think there is a little more logic behind the switching of clients to the ISP…! it’s not like it’s a free-for-all out there in the lines…

i mean who honestly needs anything more than a MB download… and obviously fios is going to slow down with more users… regardless of the line latency, the end result is still going to be throttled at the ISP level… it’s not like fios is connected to some unexplained phenomenon to the internet!!!

how many users are on fios for home internet? … regardless of line latency the pipe is still going to be the limitation… what oc lines are at the ISP level? are they segmented or redundant? what size fiber is run to the house??? 52nm?

obviously a ‘direct’ line to the isp is going to be ‘faster’ than a token ring setup… but at what point does it even matter? cable passes larger traffic due to tokens but has faster speeds between clients in local locations… where as fiber doesn’t yet, :gives:

it’s not like fios isn’t going to bog down when they offer the same services as comcast and to the same client base… add VOIP and cable over fiber to those lines then add another 75,000 users then talk about speeds.

just put in your #


The speed doesnt drop with each service… they use different frequency wave lengths for each of the Voice , Video , and Data streams. With many tests to prove that no backscatter is returned, you get a good clean signal for each one. Now they have it mapped for a set level of users allowed on each fiber due to current light color streams that allow distinct variation and can be seperated at the wave division multiplexers. They run 512 fiber pair to each local area to be serviced that is fusion spliced to the run in the CO. Now the fiber size and internal construction is the same in the CO as the drop loop outside your home. Key difference is the protective jacket , this fiber can basicly do what ever speeds that they throw at it right now. So for you to have an out dated service really wont happen. Like as of now … they are looking to ramp up speeds (same cost as before but faster service). For example taking the 30 meg to 50 meg at the drop of a command line. This system rocks…

Oh … We run on a OC192 and looking to up the speeds to what is working out to a OC290 :x: . Also are set limit of users is still about the range of comcasts (around 30) but with 1000% the technology and the unlimited range up upgrades without large costs. This means no crazy bill increases like comcast likes to throw out there haha (used to have them so i know).

But again no one will guarantee speed to a kb unless you pay for a speed service. AKA T1 , OC3 , VT12 ect… But our speeds so far even with a loaded card seem to be about tits on the money with your 5,10,15 service.

The video side is on the move in PA finally now too … I would say look for it to come out next year.

what is the download speed with that? I get 10Mbs down and 750K up with Comcast and that is pretty decent (at least for the download). Go to speedtest.zoominternet.net and see what you get. If you are less than 11Mbs download then your WAP isn’t a bottleneck.

to add to slowcivic’s post… you have to look at what it is… it’s all just light, traveling at the speed of light. the only thing that can limit this speed is the end user’s equipment as of now, they have yet to find a limit to what the fiber can do. there areas where tv is available such as virginia and texas. in those areas, when a customer orders a ppv movie the download speed is upped to 100mbps during the time it takes to download the movie

Well thats what i do all day haha … install and program all this stuff

i do the same thing, except in the field. i was just adding on to your comment

Thanks … Are you a fiber-optic Splicer ???

i was… i’m a service tech now… so is vichix and hero on here too

Cool … yeah they have you guys busy as hell.