just need to vent.....

there were 3 cars that were broken into. the thing is all 3 cars were parked far from each other and it doesnt make sense why pick 3 random cars.


After reading this, some random thought popped up that may be of use to point out. YGPM

if i guess who one of them is, will i get a prize?

Assassin. Do what I am doing put a bear in my back seat. No one f*cks with a bear. So if someone breaks in they get mauled.

Scared arent you now imagine if you broke into someones car and turned around to see that staring at you :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you serious??? What are you planning on buying, an RV?
I’m pretty sure Nissan doesn’t make any RVs. GTR RV?
That would disgrace the GTR name

you know something that the rest of us should know?

a backseat requires a car…

nissan makes buses , close enough


If you believe i’m implying anything contrivercial rest assured, the last comment i made was in response to, one of them is to much of an idiot to even know where to being with breaking into a car

im thinking of renaming my car phoenix due to this. cuz shes rising from the ashes for damn sure

how about something to the point like … “ash-riser” :slight_smile:

or ash-ricer haha

lol! it’s not like youre car exploded, it just had a broken window… and doesnt run good

well that depends if she actually runs and moves …

just for that im taking the car home tomorrow and driving around your house.

Rabbit your gloating shall be short lived my friend once I get my skyline I will gloat and rape this site with pics. Find out where you live, and drive slowly by your house with it :stuck_out_tongue:

bastard :stuck_out_tongue:

no cause even if u get a skyline Montreal will rape it up the ass … im sorry but its true , my car is god like.

your mistaking your car for mine and you cant really be bashing on paris since you car wont move either with no clutch at the moment.:R "D


so0o0oo0o am I the Pussy WOP:{ , or am I too dumb to break in:{ ?!?!?!??!?!

then I guess we will get Sasha to do some dirty work…

Cheers Lickbags*