Damn you got this shit all ass backwards…
there is no such thing as clear glass zenki headlights… the only glass ones are from germany and they have fluted leses just like the USDM and JDM…
the glass german lights run around 270 per headlight…
The only clear light, is just a replacement lens… I repeat, LENS only, you have to put them on the oem housing… theyre made by finalkonnexion and theyre around 300 - 400 just for the lens… Once again, thats for a zenki light
Then theres the JDM zenki headlights, look the same as the USDM, but instead of a one peice reflector in the housing they have a seprate reflector for the hi/low and hi beam bulbs, other than that the only difference is the RHD cutoff.
Thats as far as the Zenki light options go, there is no such thing as a projector zenki headlight, However people have retrofitted projectors into the housing… Im in the process of doing that now and ill be using the FK clear lenses once the projector is mounted…
If you want an OEM S14 projector light youre gonna have to do a kouki conversion… That will consist of you buying the Kouki lights, corner lights, hood, fenders and front bumper… It will run between 800 and 1000 to do a kouki conversion
Hope that cleared shit up