Justin's s14 240Sx (94 sentra_xe)

POWER SHIFT :rofl:rofl

Jeff knows what im talkin about

i drive like a pussy?

Whos got a almost clean record (last speeding was 07, 72 in a 55 on I87) other then that i can say im sorry i dont drift in mall parking lots etc.

Its called being safe. I save all that non sense for winter. :slight_smile: Steve knows what im talking about. :rofl

And Mack ---- :rofl :rofl

And BTW dont take nothing serious. im just fucking with joo.

And you need to stop over next week and help swap my diff over. LOTS to be done next week :number1

text me and LMK, wont take more than a hour

i just need helping holding the diff on the jack. last time it got caught up on something and i almost lost my dome piece.

you use a jack?..why?

Cuz this happens if you dont



I never had a prob without a Jack

You get away with that speeding ticket you got in Duanesburg a few months back?

Probably lying.

He showed me the ticket, he was on the way to my house.

Fake ticket

:lol could be I guess, I really didnā€™t read it.

he tricked you i just know it.

reduced to a parking on the highway.

i think it was 160ā€¦ dads lawyer ftw!

fake parking on a fake highway


lol ^ and youā€™ve been drifting the shit out of your car at lvd this yr. so itā€™s ok if you owned it for a yr and it blows up.

i <3 fake tickets!