KA24E removal tips!

I’m doing a straight swap from my 89 coupe to my 90 hatch…both 5-speed KAe’s… I know tons and tons of people on here have removed them (usually in lieu of an SR or something)…does anyone have any handy tips that will come in handy? aka the easiest order of disassembly? I’ve swapped engines before, but usually on trucks/suvs. I’m not worried about it being hard, I just would love to make it easier. (if you know anything about 4runners, you know how much fun swapping the 3vze engine is…fuck)
Any tips are appreciated.

i believe with that tranny and motor u have alot of space to work with so yea just take the tranny off first if and then pull the motor out, u can pull them out together but i find it easier taking the tranny off.

i have always found it way easy to pull teh trans and motor. driveshaft first,clutch slave,tranny mount, take off the fuel system lines. coolent system goes out. a/c system if u wanna keep it just dissasemble.i always just ended up tucking the powersteering off to the side while i did swaps then hook up the engine crane. i used old 240 seatbelts if they save lives they can hold a motor and put one on the intake and one on the exhaust. lift the hoist a tiny bit crack off the motor mounts and start pumpin the jack.
watch out for the rad support, first time i did a swap i hit it with the motor and dented it a tiny bit.

personally i would rather pull the motor with tranny. I pulled my last KA in less than 2 hours. That uncludes taking wiring harness off and everything. Devin came over and helped me pulled the motor with tranny. It comes out like a hot knife on butter. Its not hard to navigate the motor with a tranny if u have a friend help you. Taking the tranny off from under the car is a bitch imo. I hate trying to get the top bolts etc. But i like to do things the easy way. Less work is better in my world.

yea iv always pulled the tranny off i had a sr out of my old 240 when i scrapped it in 1 hours harness and everything.

yea iv always pulled the tranny off i had a sr out of my old 240 when i scrapped it in 1 hours harness and everything but that time i took it out with all the front end suspension parts so there was no need to pull the tranny.

Take the tranny and motor out together, makes it much easier.

+1 for tranny and engine together, i’ve done it both ways and i like doing it together, though it took about the same amount of time.

another tip is when you re ready to pull the motor with the hoist, leave the car on the ground. jack the motor, push the car back a bit, jack the motor again etc. etc. you get the point.