key stuck in ignition

its stupid i know. but i cant get it out. everyone keeps telling me theres supposed to be a button. I have no button.

hmm i dunno if s14s have the button or not…

for starters, i would say take off the key cylinder trim bezel and double check to make sure theres no button hiding behind there

haha only sh.t happens to you eh vince.
try nudging it? like mike said remove the key cover and see if there is a hidden button. but then again i don’t think that should be the problem since this is your first encounter with this prob? or just try yanking it out with vise grips. :smiley:

this happened to me before in a civic. the car stalled and i turned the car off to restart- only the key was stuck in the off position and couldnt turn through the ignition cycles. so i was in the car for 3 hours trying to get the key free by jiggling it, yanking it, jerking it… but anyway i gave up due to severe hand cramps and blisters were starting to cover my fingertips.

so i called a tow truck initially to move the car (since i couldnt start it), but the tow truck driver just sat in the car, played with the key for about 5 minutes and low and behold he got it to work. so the moral of the story: tow truck drivers can do more than tow cars, but it’ll cost you 50 bux.

Afterwards the same thing happened again but i said “fuck it im not paying another 50 bux for this” so i sat in the car again for another 3 hours, but after some INTENSE foreplay i got it loose, like a wizard’s sleeve.

In general: apply tremendous force, push, pull, jiggle that damn thing…JIGGLE IT! but if you really can’t get it out, call for backup (e.g. tow truck driver)

s14 has a button release right by the key. vince u dun have a s14 aahahah :stuck_out_tongue: jk… try starting ur car and turning it off a few times until u can get the key out…

Try wiggling your steering wheel; it might be locking it in :dunno:

In a S13, when you do an Auto-Manual swap you have to close the key release circuit. Your “car” may be in the state where it “thinks” that your gearbox isn’t in Park?

+1 to that suggestion. My S14 didn’t have a key release button.

I’d have to agree… even an automatic car (if you dont fully engage it into park) the key wont come out (example on some cavaqueers for some reason park does not fully engage sometimes, you have to do it once or twice) and then the key will come out of the ignition.

Roast to the rescue.

I’m sure that’s the issue here.

+1 to that suggestion. My S14 didn’t have a key release button.[/quote]

^ your old S14 was finiky, I had to nudge the gear selector for the park interlock pin to enguage and allow the key to be removed…

^^ that could be it. i took off the trim piece theres no button. So it’s probbly this park thingy… where is it and what do i do… the key is stuck between the 1 and 0… i think there was a park cable ting dangling under the shifter console

The one I am refering to (I beleive) is directly in front (towards the firewall) on the left of the gear selector… not sure how it works, whether it moves in/out when in park

Also (sidenote) my S13 auto conversion, once burnt out the shift interlock moduale, it was a green box undert the dash to the left of the steering column, in this case the car would not start (IIRC), and once I found it, the odour of burnt elec. was apparent

pull of your shifter bezel trim. There will be a wire that is kinda long it is made out of metal it is on the driver side. pull that wire and then turn your key and it comes out.

hahah Vince

I took that the keylock wire out as soon as I did my 5spd. swap.

PERFECT! it’s out! thanks guys!