KKKustom exhaust at ASS (lots of pics)

and if this mig and tig welding is good i prolly shouldn’t have used so much jb weld to hold my ranger frame together huh? I mean at a couple bucks a tube it seemed like my best bet at the time. hell the whole frame is stainless steel and I only spent $264.72 to have it done.


hmmmm this thread went well…

I’ll mig plain steel like nobody’s business :rofl

This thread delivers… exactly what it delivers, no one knows.

It delivers a lot of dick-softening content

Fuck that go baller on your butt plug and use C267. Better off with that material in high traffic environments.


ROFL. Cant you just spin me one on a lathe out of some titanium? JDM Y0!

a couple random ones of my testpipe. i hardly take pictures of anything, your gas coverage is garbage, and your torch hand speed is very inconsistent. im not on a high horse, your are just a chode.


Anddd we’re back.

And I win:


how do you make sure theres enough penetration on metal that thick? do you kinda V out the edges to make sure to get in there deeper and fill it with stock or what? i dont know much about welding, but im interested in learning.

1 part prep, 1 part pre heat, 1 part proper consumables(filler/gas).

Yes it was machined with a proper bevel on both surfaces. I have a large kiln to preheat engine blocks/heads/manifolds like this to properly weld on them. You cannot weld it right w/o preheating the material fully and evenly especially large chunks of cast steel/iron or aluminum. Then the consumables, in this case 625 and an argon/helium mix, to fuse the dissimilar metals for an extreme heat environment.

Welding used cast steel is a MOFO, because you have a shit ton of carbon precipitates in the base metal that you cannot remove, which contaminate the weld pool and result in inclusion. Takes skill to make sure it’s to the surface of the puddle before moving on. Exhaust manifolds are the worst of the worst in this case.

Not my best welding there. I should start taking more pics of my stuff. I’ll post some pictures of the tube chassis for the kit cars as they progress more, or cossey’s 321 996 exhaust when I get to it. I always forget to bring the camera, and get bitched at by my wife when I do and leave it at the shop for weeks on end :cry:

yes, “bevel” is the word i couldnt think of. i gotcha. it seems simple and complicated at the same time, but it totally makes sense though.
and yes, PLEASE take photos of your work. i really want to see it, but i cant in all right just walk in and hover around your shop for months just watching.

Let me know when you’re working on it and I’ll come take some pics of it. It’ll be balleriffic.

BTW, still need text w/ guy’s number for the shaft. /sexual innuendo

does whitney know about this?

Most expensive shaft you’ll ever touch.

I did send you a text though. Can see you never received it Will resend

Build a titanium exhaust= BALLER! plus itll look SICK as hell when it warms up and starts to change color. also, no weight!

0 weight!!! OMG

I heard it actually removes weight because he uses helium in his shielding gas mix.