KKKustom exhaust at ASS (lots of pics)

Those look good. I will man up and give you that because I am not a dick like you are and put people down for their work.

Those stainless pieces were the VERY first things I ever tigged. Infact it was only a month after I purchased my FIRST tig machine. Nobody showed me how to use it, no school, no apprentice work at a shop like synapse… cut the pieces on the saw, flipped the switch on the machine and went to town. No bull shit, ask Adam or Yetti, they will know the timeline and will vouch I had no clue what I was doing. AND I still had a fuckign cast on my torch hand from my motorcycle accident!!! Not really an excuse, as much as its an explanation… I really need to get off my ass and take some more pics or my shit. I wish I didnt have a full time job and could sit around all day and work on my car, or I would have more evidence for my call out. Those were the only pic’s I found of any of my welding… like you apparently we dont take many pics of our work.

Either way it doesnt matter much, people that see my work, know my work and seem to be rather happy with it. I havnt been in the game very long, but I seem to be progressing my skill rather quickly.

you people can take it for what it is. I have a long winter with alot of work coming up, so come spring time lets see what produces.

I have to strap the exhaust down to the table because it just floats away when welding. :rofl

Fawking vot :rofl:rofl


I’m wearing a Ti suit of armor. Just weighed myself… 131lbs

Well Corey, Let me just say that the muffler and its placement looks absofuckinglutely RETARDED!

gotta get that fixed for sure. looks like a shrunken penis in a cold pool

Kkkkkkrazykkkkkkustomz is butthurt. Nice excuses. Your garbage.


I just finished up these welds, what do you guys think?


What ever bud, fuck off… I have total of 5 hours in my life with a tig torch in my hand, and those were done with a fucking broken radius in my arm. If your such a great welder, how come you still dont work for synapse?


oh shit!!! Here we go!!

I’ll challenge all you foos to a soldering competition!

ROFL… rosin core FTW!!!

Dont take credit for Delucia’s work. We made that in his grandmothers woodshed

I’ll silver solder the shit out of your ECU cuz!

No, No you will not

Can you solder up me a red oscolaiting LED strip for my grill too!!! If so Ill paint the gold bird on my hood too!

WTF Bandit/nightrider?

It was only one time
