LACROSSE. wanna play?


i could use the exercise but have never played lacrosse. oh well…

  1. Tpgsr, Attack & Mid, bout a 7out of 10 normal 4-10 since i havent played in FOREVER!
  2. Mikes98RT: short stick, out of shape
    3)audios: midfield, attack, goal, and sure why not defense
    4)cooter: d-man!!! thats it…ready to play!!!
    5)onefastmonkey: not that fast anymore but middie
    6)Violator: Midfield - ready to rock

Damn… this sounds really fun… I gotta see if I can dig out the equipment… and also check to see if I can make the times.

Does this just start whenever we get all the checks? or is there a certain date in mind?

we will start soon after all the checks are collected. which at this point will be mid march. i would hate to set a date and then not have the money from some, or have some not show at all.

do i really have to send out PM’s to arrange getting the money? i guess i do, i will get started on it now

pm’s sent

pm recieved, i will give you the $$ when i see you next. I will call you later bout the other stuff too.

ill give you money next time im at your house, just remind em or ill forget :stuck_out_tongue:

wow, pretty cheap.

alright, i am starting to get some replies about when we would be starting. assuming everyone can get the money to me lets try and plan for the first session to be jan 30th. does this work for everyone?

if not post here what would be a good start date and we will go from there.


I would think about it if you allowed people that really suck.

i played with some freinds a few years ago in HS, never got into the real sport because of a sergury i had, but now i can, would love to get into it, keep this updated. ill buy a stick and pads if this takes off, i dont know positions and rules, we just used to play backyard pickup games so im sure i suck

i have a decent stick that is great to learn with. Positions and rules are real easy, esp indoor. so long as you can throw and catch, and run around a lot, then you should be fine. If you cant run throw or catch, play Defense :stuck_out_tongue: J/K

  1. Tpgsr, Attack & Mid, bout a 7out of 10 normal 4-10 since i havent played in FOREVER!
  2. Mikes98RT: short stick, out of shape
    3)audios: midfield, attack, goal, and sure why not defense
    4)cooter: d-man!!! thats it…ready to play!!!
    5)onefastmonkey: not that fast anymore but middie
    6)Violator: Midfield - ready to rock
    7)bottomsUP: Goalie - used to be a wall, but prob swiss now.

I talked to a friend today that said he will play net if we need another goalie

as of right now noone has turned in money. noone has really commented on the start date of jan 30. which is cool as long as we do get it, and get it in a week ahead fo the start date.

i am debating if i should go into my gym, and maybe a few other local gyms (BAC OP comes to mind) where i have worked out and seen people with lacrosse t’s on etc. and put up some flyers. we might be able to pick up quite a few people by doing that.

would anyone here object to having lets say 10 or 12 extra guys and therefore allowing for subs? or would you feel you werent getting your $40 worth.

whatever, I’ve seen a bunch of out of shape guys play pick up games and its not to pretty. after the first 20 mins there will be guys begging for subs so either way I dont care. I will drop the money off tomorrow I think.

Shit, i didn’t get you the money at the party… stupid drunk i am.

Flyers at the gym may not be a bad idea, but i think that if it gets too overwhelming, we may have to make a cut-off, or form a mens league. Thinking about it Joe, a mens league could be a pretty cool thing to try and set-up, i mean they did it in OP for a while, just put an age bracket, and post up at gyms and other local places. Shit, just from an automotive board, there are almost enough people, i bet we could build something really decent and fun.

id be interested, i have a d-stick but no other gear, and right now no money, and i live far from you all(rochester) So maybe