LACROSSE. wanna play?

so…i think a formal meeting is in order here where people can pay up and we can discuass wahtever else needs to be dicussed. im starting to think the ‘yeah, u can give me the money whenever at some point’ idea isnt working out too good.

**edit: i havent paid yet because im waiting for this whole thing to be organized a little better.

same here but I would really like to get this going as soon as possible, im not getting any thinner typing this, lets get some freaking exercise

^^ amen to that lol. I think a possible Might meet is in order here…anyone? bueller?

hmmmmm… how did i not see this before, i still have all my equip.


i dont really know how more organized i can make it. there is a set time. a set place. a set number of people we need. if you dont give money, thats one other person you are waiting for that we need. i sent PM’s with my personal phone number, address, gave specific payment info and even made it so i couldnt be questioned for trust.

i am not trying to be defensive, but i just dont think meeting somewhere is going to get things going any quicker. but if thats what people want to do then i will do what it takes to get it done. what time and where?

also, is there anyone who can make a flyer? i dont have any sort of editing skills like that, nor do i have any program. is someone willing to make a simple flyer, black and white with the info about this and send it to me viz email so i can get them printed up. the ymca has agreed to letting me put them up as well as gold’s gym. PM me if you can help out.

I will make, print, and help to distribute the flyers

well im just saying if we had a meeting, it would be a one-time, one place thing so everyone would get thier money in. i figured this might get things moving a little quicker: “if you want to play, show up at _______ on _________ at :_ and have $40”

i kno when i used to play summer and winter leagure in high school, they had a place where on one noght at a certain time u would come in with your money and they would put oyur name in a list etc. while this is a more complex and alrger scale leageu, i think we can use the same principals of organization to get things moving a little quicker. thats all im suggesting.

^- it is a good idea, but i think that we should take one thing at a time here. If we post flyers with a phone # or a web address (i can do that pretty easy) then we can get a full list of players in 10-15 days, and have one set meeting, and not have to have one for NYspeed, and one for the general public. It would be better to not have to repeat things. my .02

thats kinda what i was going for…i should have made it clear that there would be one meeting for everyone

I don’t trust joe, no $ for you!
I’ll check back in march when things are set up =)


ok no really. if i say lets meet monday night, at 9 next week. which shouldnt be a prob for most considering that time was the time we would be paying. i garunfuckingtee there would be more than one person who would say “i cant make it”. i thought by getting that out of the way we could speed things up. but honestly i dont care, i will go to your house and pick up a slip of paper that says “iou” if it means someone will commit to doing this. i am going through major withdrawl here and want to play some lax.

well, lets get some flyers posted up and go from there. ive said it once and i’l say it again: i think we just need to get a set time and place for people to commit to this by showing up and by paying. if you do it on a monday night at 9, and some1 says they cant make it, then they obviously are not going to be too commited to playing because they cant even make the time. just my 2 cents

Just want to bump this to the top and say lets play. I seriously have some money and I am ready.

ok lets have a meet. i work during the day, but get out around lunch time. I would prefer to have the meet at night.

so which day of thw eek is best to meet? what time? jan 30th is approaching fast…and if you didnt know thats the proposed first day this could go through. which means the DEADLINE for getting money to me/sahlens sports park is the 23rd.

so post it up, i will make myself available if i have to, but prefer nights.

MTWFSSu (anytime)

Wednesday, friday or saturday anytime

I cant play, MRI in my leg yesterday says my leg is still fractured. I still know a couple kids that are interested. What info do you want me to pass to them? Joe you have a email I can pass on to them?

that sucks to hear.

my email where everyone/anyone can reach me is
have them email me and i will get them all the info they need.

i will post later today when the meeting will be…and all the details will be finalized then.


I will make them today!! check your e-mail later… I may need some extra info


full equipment is required. chest, arms, helmet. i am gonna bring the chest but not wear it tll i am told, i never haveworn them. cup is up to you. i doubt anyone will be checking that.

the official times and dates are mondays, 8:30-10:30/11:00. you get at least two hours, of all you can take lacrosse for 10 bucks. you must pay in advance, for 4 sessions.

start date is JAN 30th!!

sahlens sports park has a highschool league already in session that canisius did not make the deadline for. if we do not get enough people through this forum they are open to play with us.

if in the event we get 40 people who show up. we can break into 2 groups (half field each), or since 2 hours is alot of time to be running, there will abundant subs in one central game, and we might play that way twice or three times per night.

if you would prefer to talk about this in person, Saturday, this coming weekend, the 14th…we will meet at mighty on sheridan (everyone knows where that is right?) in between 2 and 3. if you dont have time to stay, at least come to pick up the flyer with all the info and arrange payment if you are sure about playing. if you cannot make this time/date PM me and make other arrangments.


bump so every1 sees this ^^