layzie vs firehawk853

im just trying to locate a gear, longest time ill be down is if i gotta order it once it comes in ill be out


^These = truthful statements

Are we even depending on who gets the jump…?? Yes. after watching the video, its obvious that you had a running start on that one. I don’t care, i wanted to see if i could run you down. I couldn’t. BUT, that doesn’t mean that you can claim civic > firehawk. NO way. From the 3rd gear pull which was from 55, you couldn’t get by me. THEREFORE, was it close…yes, did you beat me…No. A victor is determined from definite conclusive proof that its faster…ANYthing below 60, there is no way you’ll get by me, not the way it sits now. So, are we close Yes, I disagree with the (=). There is no tie, one person wins, one person loses. The race was agreed upon from 40. From 40 I win.

Now, that said, from above 120, would you pull me? Yes. Why…becaause i don’t have gear for that. SO, if you want to claim (turbociv) that the car is slow above 120 ok, go ahead. Do you realize trapping 130 last year was me screaming past my redline??

Just clarifiing the facts here.

deffinatly just gotta do a rematch I suppose so we have a clear victor. Even though it should be run what ya brung… shit happens. rematch :tup:

then you admit the race wasnt fair because you didnt race for a whole quarter mile. Its not anyones fault that your car isnt geared for the quarter but your own. Fix the problem then go and race again, but atleast be a man about defeat.

ya u held me at 40 until 120 where i passed u. but i also held u from a 40. i didnt have a running start u can clearly hear my car brake boosting and see my brake lights still on and then we went and can hear my car instantly spin and shift. u couldnt catch me cuz i had the jump just like i couldnt catch you when u got the jump so claimg u one from 40 is kinda tough sense we didnt have a time we went at the same time really.

at 8sec in the vid u can see my brake lights go off it, i was still on the brakes. just cuz we rolled past the camera car and it sound as if i was going cuz my car is loud when brakeboosting doesnt mean i had a runnign start listen once i pass the car u can hear me let off the brakes and my tires spin. come on i watched it 15 times and u can hear my tires chirp when down shifting then i brake boosted rolled by the camera car adn bam we went no running start

Then none of the runs would be fair cuz they didnt race a “real 1/4 mile” the entire time. Line up next time at the track for the rematch. Cuz after 20 roll races there are discrepancys. For rematch - both guys on slicks, race gas, and HIGH B00ST! I’d say line up on the street but both cars make alot of power and would just spin all over anyways. NYI meet :tspry:


i say chuck won for the fact that Kevins tranny broke… that’s how they’d do it on Pinks! So that’s how real life is …

so in the next race what are you two looking to get?
i want to see a heads up roll from 40 … Kevin … is that fair? Chuck is that fair?

lol i need 10 cars

10 cars and chuck needs to take out the nitrous and take off one wheel. :lol:

:gtfo: Stick to cruisin and car shows aiiite buddy!

I say go high boost, slicks, bla bla bla on the street somewheres safe :tup: If they go to the track then we will have OMG your time was faster then mine but i had more mph so i would pull u if had more time etc etc etc :blah: :

Woah what happened here?

I’m not going to change the standing on the > thread. It will stay the way it is until the top spot is contested again. Same thing I did for Beck and Eclipseblur - if no one picks and ending speed or distance before hand, who is to say who won?

But this is a perfect example of how different cars can be different kinds of “fast.”

i witnessed all the races, granted, from a ways back from the badass chase car, but that vid was definitely edited in favor of the firehawk. Every time these guys set up, i was right behind them, and there really was not much of a “jump”. a half car… maybe a whole car at MOST.

Seems like the concensus upon leaving mighty was that firehawk = civic. That tune seems to have changed considerably from everyone. At any rate, i’d like to see this from a dig…

from what i was told there was an agreed starting speed for the “offical” race and that was the 40mph rolls, and firehawk won those.

i hate to break it to you but the video wasnt edited. I watched the video on the camera in the mighty parking lot and its the exact same as the video everyone else is watching. Badazz is using window’s movie maker here, this isnt some pimp video editing software where he is fucking around with stuff.


Layzie, you need to dump those shitty Azenis tires and get some D.O.T. street slicks. You might as well have had bald ass all weather tires on the civic. Shame on you for building a civic and forgeting about “keeping the power to the ground” aspect of it. Fix your weakness and cut the drama down on the he said she said.

:tup: to the runs

sweet idea, so both cars should start from 0 then since its a quarter mile race :tup:

ughh…im 100% positive chuck made it CLEAR he was done at ~120 BEFORE the race. THAT IS ALL HE IS GEARED FOR. how do i know this?..I HAVE THE SAME GEARS. at the track chuck was WELL past redline…proly by close to 1k which is stupid… why would he do that on the street? it is my fault for the shitty vid, but they were not edited. from what i saw, it was very close, whoever got the jump would take it. BUT, from a 40, which was the expressed agreement, id have to say the hawk got it. thats not to say the hatch wasnt coming up quick because it obviously was. the ciivic has an assload of topend, and the gearing to support it

all i have to say is next time bring all ur boost, c16, a solid tranny and bring slicks, not excuses. layzie u seem like a cool dude…lets not get into a pissing match. and for all you’s that werent there and witnessed this, stop talking cuz u sound stupid. lets just get some rematches on and be coo

hopefully myself and badazz can play next time too

ya how do u figure sense we never once went at the same time. either i got the jump and held it or he got the jump and held it. cept when we went past 120 where i passed him. i clearly stated that. now its the firehawk won. i couldnt hear any horns so i waited for him to go everytime which equals him getting the jump. and the time i took the jump now all of a sudden its me having a running start which isnt true he couldnt catch me. so where do u think the firehawk is faster. if it was he woulda caught me but i do remember knocking at his door every single time before him shutting down at 120

like i said it was fun but this is turning into bullshit. we left mighty with it clearly stated that we are as even as we can get with who ever gets the jump got it cept past 120 where i would get it. now all u badazz claim he is winner