Let me take over GM...

yes, because NOBODY is going to buy cars. If my car is stolen, or totaled or my lease is up… I’m just going to walk.

this would have been a lot easier like 10 years ago before all of these cars came out, they have invested way too much to just end everything

plus you would have a hard time choosing which models you want over the others

Yeah Toyota has lost about $61 Billion in market cap in the last 6 months.
Congrats to them.

Bull shit, how can i prove this, my friends 08 supercharged tundra is the best truck i have ever been in, built way better then a ford or chevy. And you cant compare it to a 2500 or bigger truck its only a 1500.

as far as towing, gas mileage under towing, acc under towing, load capacity and everything else, the ford/gm is far superior. Everyone who i have talked to/known has gotten rid of their tundra because of how garbage it is. im sure its a good light duty truck

garbage? Everyone already got rid of 2008 tundras for chevys and fords, i have a chevy truck. Id rather have his tundra! Way better truck. + it does killer smoke shows with the esp turned off.

what do u use your truck for? im saying the gm trucks or better designed to do “truck” things

No, it’s that people won’t have the money or the credit for a new car, so they will buy a used one.

I use it for everything, atving, towing, plowing. He uses his truck for 2 of those 3 and it does it the same or better. + The build quality of the interior and fit and finish is way better.

idk… we were towing a 10,000 lbs trailor and it sucked… it wasnt the supercharged one tho, it was the top of the line at the time

He was towing 3 atvs up pa hills and passing people. 1 in the bed and 2 on a trailer. Truck was also set in CC. My duramax does the same, i have more torq but his makes up for it in Horse Power.

How can you say this?

Look at how much money GM had in the bank when they were getting fat, selling SUVs.

Now they are broke.

The bigger you are, the harder you fall.

like i said his was fine with light duty shit, but try towing a 10,000 lbs trailor everyday of the week, a 2500 hd will be much better suited than the tundra. and these 2 trucks are in the same “class”. and the new ford trucks are ugly as fuck i would never own one lol

I’m starting to like Obama senior adviser David Axelrod:

from an Associated Press article on yahoo news

Axelrod warned automakers, seeking billions in government help to stave off collapse, to devise a plan to retool and restructure by next month. Otherwise, he said, “there is very little taxpayers can do to help them.”


Axelrod couldn’t resist taking a jab at the Big Three executives, who left Congress empty-handed last week after flying into Washington in corporate jets and pleading for money. “I hope that they will come back to Washington in early December — on commercial flights — with a plan,” he said.

so looks like you(beck) were right. There is talk of GM letting Hummer, Pontiac, saturn and Saab. Im suprised there isnt a auto maker crisis thread.

I also hear Ford has the strongest plan of the big 3 going forward. Lots of green in there future

Ford has a lot of green oversees already.

Definitely, as well as quite a few cars that are actually worth buying, so why is it that they cant be sent here ? Ford probably has the best chance of surviving IMO they do well in Europe and if those products can be implemented properly Im sure they can survive here as well.

I love the dispartiy in this country.

Gov’t to auto industry; " because the Financial sector fucked them selves in the ass by dolling out mortgages to people that they knew could never pay them back, you can’t secure financing from the usual banking channels, And now, you guys want a $25B bridge loan to help run your opperations until this recession and credit crunch run its course… hmm, well, we might think about it. But, first, we need to see all 3 of you devise a concise plan on how your are going to cut costs. And by costs I mean jobs and benefits. Secondly you will no longer keeps the private Jet, get rid of 'em. Thridly, you will no longer be able to build what the market demands or what is profitable. No more tree killing trucks, SUVs and musclecars for you. You will all concentrate on making small, barely profitable and undesireable cars. You are all bastards and should fail and then after you fail, rot in hell! You ran these companies into the ground and deserve to die a slow, painful dealth in a chemical fire!"

Gov’t to financial industry; " Alright AIG, I know you are out of $$ and business is kinda fuct right now, Don’t worry about a thing, accountants and underwriters. You have a very hard job at trying to keep #s straight and in turn make a profit, so don’t sweat it. Anyway, well look what we gots for you. These idiots just approved $850 Billion to throw around. So here is $70B, is that cool to hold u over? It is? Alright well just keep on doing what you have been doing. 10 days later What’s that AIG? The $70b is gone already and you need $120B more? Man oh man you guys are killing me, lemme ask Barry… Yeah its cool. Check is in the mail but keep that ish about your corporate retreat under wraps…

“… Damn you see the news? Citigroup just announced it was out of cash too. Lemme give them a call… 'Saw you went belly up on the news, sucks man. You know what, don’t sweat it though. We still gots plenty of $$ from that bail out thing we can hook you up with. How much u need? $100B enough? No, you need $150? …ummm, how about $120? that cool? OK good cuz You know someone else is gunna hit me up next week for some more. Just do me a favor though, wait a few days before you cash the check or say anything, I gotta get a few hundred thousand shares of your companies stock firstl wink wink lololololololol”

Everyone wants to kill the auto industry for asking for a $25b loan because they can’t get it fromt he banks right now, but the banks that fucked themselves 34526x as hard get hundereds of billions handed to them with no questions asked.

As fucking retarded as I might act…there are wheel’s moving around in this beautiful head of mine. :stuck_out_tongue:


video of Ford’s most advanced assembly plant operating in rural Brazil

interesting what they can do without the uaw