lets see how many bad drivers we have..

The last ticket I had (that stuck) was in 1993.
Haven’t had a ticket stick since then (was issued, then dismissed).

However, today was another story:

Was on-call today - and got called in with the rain.
Probably hydroplaned coming off the on-ramp & wound up fishtailing. The ramp went from dry at the top of the curve to wet at the bottom. I had the traction control on, but it didn’t engage. Also, I’ve been running on my stock tires, which are pretty worn now (maybe 1/8th inch tread)

Anyhow, I tagged the guardrail on 490 West, then ended up facing the wrong way.

Good thing there was no traffic. Engine never died, and I just turned around and got off at the next exit. Got home, changed cars & went back to work.

Here’s the aftermath:
