lets see how many bad drivers we have..

pulled over 10+ times
no tickets =)
98 in a 40 on walden
pavement marking
speed contest
many more dumb ones
shit im lucky

Fcuk, you guys get a lot of tickets!!!

my worst ticket is 79 in a 30.

<~~~ also waiting for akaferrari and jellers story


i posted a thread about how lucky i got not too long ago…beginning of summer actually…

all at once, a trooper got me with…

86 in a 50
illegal drag race
brake lights out
illegal exhaust
no front plate
expired license…

i only got ticketed for the expired license…and a month later, took my new license to court, and got it reduced further to a $50 parking ticket…

other than that i just have a few parking tickets…some were actually parking tickets, some were more reductions from an expired inspection, and a rolling stop…

0 points so far though, knock on wood…

my best that i got out of was… speeding with a trailer. 6 tickets. 90 in a 65…wreckless driving…following to closley…failer to yeild ROW to cop…unsafe pass…unsafe lane change… those added up to i belive like 25 points!!! I called a lawyer out in albany whos name i looked up online…he told me ill be lucky to keep my liscense as 11 points is loss of liscense…and i got it more than twice on this stop…11+11=22… he called me a month later and sayed i got two parking tickets of $150 each and zero points,no school…nothing…i only had to pay $200 though becuase they had $100 of my bail money.

Can anyone top that?

Uhhh, I’ll need to go get a driving abstract for this topic. The only thing I can think of I currently have pending is a 75 in a 45. Was getting on it as I was leaving from meeting with some friends, the first day I had the car out this year.

-passing a cop on a double line
-talking on cell phone while driving
-speed 77/55
-speed 77/65

i am not gonna even bother…

Well since Ferrari and Jeller are MIA, or don’t want to tell exactly what happened, the result from the evening’s episode was between 22-26 tickets at once and a few grand worth of body parts and paint…

impressive… and impressively stupid depending on the story

yes…very impressively stupid.

…dont run from the cops. i saw my name coming up the second i saw this post. oh and you forgot about the easter i spent in the holding center.:hitit:


i think we all heard this story=----------repost

This thread has made me realize two things:

There are alot of people on this site that have not had licenses for very long at all

You are all very proud of Your infractions… :ham:

um…ive had my license for over 12 yrs and no im not proud of my infractions. its the only reason im still stuck in this shithole we like to call buffalo.

Been driving for 2 years in Sept. I don’t know how many times I’ve been pulled over, but I’ve gotten 3 tickets. They’ve all been reduced to parking tickets though.

48 in a 30
56 in a 40
running a red light at midnight, when it was yellow. :frowning:

All in hamburg. Figures. I hate Hamburg popo.

since ive had my license (8yrs ago) Ive only gotten
3 speeding… 50-35, 65-30, 75-55, all parking tickets
tints, pulled over in amherst given an order to repair, then pulled over in WS given a ticket all within 2 hrs of each other,
Cell phone,
Unsafe start, i blame the pavement it just got done raining
reckless operation, … doughnuts in the rosebowl parking lot on a nice snowy day
my worst one was passing a stopped school bus, But i really had to fight that one. Our bumpers were even before the lights even came out and then i get pulled over 4 blocks later as im pulling into work.
Im not really proud of my tickets but i am however proud of my wife who got her first ticket last week for doin 70-55 , on some back country ass road. Hopefully theyll be nice as its her 1rst offense, im just thinkin of framing the ticket for her