lets see how many bad drivers we have..

over 8 years on the road, i have never been convicted of a ticket yet, a few speeding tix reuced to parking, improper lane change and failure to signal dropped because the cop never showed and a 94 in a 65 in Mass. that the cop reduced on the spot to a failure to yield to a stop sign because he felt bad because i was on vacation…

3 tickets. 2 speeding. one i pd lowest fine i could and othe i didn’t even have to go to court for. 1 parking

not to say that its cool, or that i do it often. but I hit 160 on my 01 r6 on my way to mid-ohio. i wanted to get to the damn hotel already so I was going ~140 and there was a down gradient. hit 160. stock sprockets.

ill accept that lol

I have been pulled over 17 times, but have only averaged 1 actual ticket a year since I got my license . To be honest, I think the car draws a lot of attention, bec. many times I’ve been stopped, only to be asked routine ?'s like whose car it is, where are you going, where do you work, ec…

Kind of annoying, but oh well. No tickets = good.

c’mon shrives where are ya on this thread?

me? one speeding that wasn’t actually me. it is ok though. i speed a lot and have been really lucky. dropped to a parking ticket anyway

oh and one leaving the roadway to pass. i was going around a 16 YO kid who was making a left but decided to make a right as i was going around him. wow that was a long time ago. that got dropped to a parking ticket too.

honorable mention: almost got a reckless driving ticket on my moped when i was 18. I know officer Krieger in EA has a lot of fans on here :sarcasm:. that day i found out why. he was so rude but let me off. i think he was pissed that my moped was legal. no one ever has a moped registered or insured. but i do.

That Sucks

you were probably doing 140-145 ish. speedometer error is pretty big on bikes.
nonetheless goodtimes. :tup:

145 in a 65 Talked my way out…

Unauthorized speed contest on Sheridan Drive
Imprudent speed on Transit - THANKS BADAZZ YOU FUCKIN FUCK!! :slight_smile:
Several “normal” speeding tickets.

hahah butch your super speeder story is great…and it saved me from a 110 in 55!

well, out of my 4+ yrs of driving, i have had ONE ticket…no front plate, reduced to one parking ticket. been pulled over more times than i can count, but as Zong said, i guess i just know how to talk to cops and i always give them my liscence/registration/insurance card…all 3…i keep them all toghether in my wallet so its easy lol. been warned for rear plate lights, plate covers, turn signals out, smoked tailights, aftermarket exhasut, no front plate i got warned on like once a month for like a year, and once on my tires not having adequate tread. let off every single time other than the front plate ticket. once i got pulled over for a list of things that all happened over like 5 secs at the west seneca library parking lot. as i was pulling in a cop was pulling out, whipped around and followed me until i parked.

apparently: “your tint is too dark, your exhaust is aftermarket and too loud, you went the wrong way on a one way lane(unmarked from the direction i came in) and i was going too fast for this being a parking lot…not bad for less than a minute…lemme see your liscence”

so the guy proceedes to take down my info and said if i didnt take my tints off within two days when he would drive past my house to check, he would leave a ticket under my wiper. fucker never drove by after i scraped them off.

why hasn’t akaferrari chimed in? Jeller, wanna tell the story since you were riding shotgun?

meh, I have a clean record with no accidents in 9 years of driving…thats all anyone needs to know.

No accidents, no tickets, never been pulled over.

5 years of driving.

50+ tickets, $12k+ in fines… and more than a handful of arrests.

Don’t speed. :slight_smile:


I got

Driving out of Class before I was 18
3 speeding, 2 of them Reduced to Parking
1 Imprudent Speed Ticket drifting with FD Jones

I got arrested for rideing a lawn mower through a high school softball feid at 2 am after it rained. Criminal mischief in the 4th degree and trespassing. 20 hours of community service

X2 on this story, it’s a classic

i heard it on UBRF Track Day …greatest story ever

8 Speeding Tickets
2 Unsafe start (one was chriping into 2nd)
1 Passing over dubble lines (didnt know it was a unmarke cop)

The worst speeding ticket I got was when I was coming home from my friends cabin. The trooper tryed to pull over both of us and when my friend started to pull over I gun it. The trooper then lefted my friend and got me. He let me go with a 92 in a 65. (dam 219)