Life sucks part 2

Well my thoughts were correct in thinking that my relationship is slipping away… she admitted today that over the past 6 months shes been developing feelings for a co worker who recently moved to dc.

She says she loves me but shes confused. WFT 4 and a half years of love and devotion. things were perfect and i was seriouslly thinking about buying a ring… and now for this to potentially end like this…

Happy Easter to me.

Ditch her. She’s been developing feelings for someone = she’s been looking for someone else. If he moved away, chances are, another one will come along.

Shitty to say…but i wouldn’t put anymore time into it because in the end, it’s a waste. The perfect time to get out is now.

:tdown: sorry to hear. I agree with ^ though.

Beginning of the end. Don’t draw it out and try to remedy things. Drop her like 3rd grade French and GTFO! If she developed feelings for someone else, no matter how briefly, it introduces doubt into the equation and things will never be the same. Get out while you still have your sanity and don’t have any contact with her for a good long time… this will make it easier on you to recover.

And I’m sorry to hear. At least she told you face to face. The last time I had a bomb like that dropped on me, I was in college and she was down in Guatemala (sp?, I’m too lazy to check) on exchange. Really sucks when she does it over the phone! :tdown:

Yeah, i’d honestly say if there isn’t any way you 2 can work it out…then let it go. It’s one thing to like someone physically…but caring for someone emotionally is sometimes a much stronger bond that’s harder to break.

yep. what they ^ all said. it sucks but you gotta try to move on. take care of you first.

Freedom :tup:

Let her go now, don’t drag out your agony.

If something truely loves you, it will come back.

then the ball is in your hands.

If not, then you move on…

word quit wasting your time with this chick

repeatedly listen to “A Bitch Iz a Bitch” by Eazy E. You’ll feel better.

Do her MOM!

dump her

Agree somewhat, Don’t just let her go, Drop her before she gets a chance to make you feel 11tybillion times worse. And when she begs you to come back DON’T let her!!

Think about yourself here bro, do you really want to feel like shes thinking about someone else all the time?

:tup: :tup: :tup:

EDIT: Naked pics of future ex FTW!!

^ :word: on that one bro. i know how this feels as i went through the same thing. 3 yrs with someone and then they go away for college, and start to fall into drugs and such, getting their life all out of order, then says they need a little break to sort things out, and bangs another dude a week later while trying to string you on. get out now, and have fun being single for a while until something great falls into your lap.

The funny part is, I think I know who you are talking about… does this person go to Brockport?

Sorry to hear Larry, good luck on your decision…


bwhahahahaha…i think i might know to…

does she have a sister? if so, fuck her. by that i meant have intercourse with her sister.

that’ll teach her. if she dosent have a sister, go for mom.

i clicked this seeing that you replied and figured it would have something to do with GIN. LOL.