lolol police chase dude, dude looses them & police find dude on ground all fucked up

Saw this a few days ago and didnt really care bc the dude smashed some girls head into wall so “whoever” did what they did, deserved to do it… but now that people are saying he didnt and there IS video recordings, but that wont be released I think its time to discuss lol… Do normal people really believe this story? lolol. I find it hilarious.

Appears to be quite a mess for SSPD. Read through this train wreck if you want more entertainment.

id hate to be a cop these days…

Its funny how its always the person with a bad rap that ends up in situations like this and their family is always acting like they are saints…

lol dude, I dont even bust on cops or anything anymore, but we all know the deal on how he ended up in a coma lol… deserved or not.

reminds me of this lol

I know people that saw him get his Ass beat from non law enf , he got beet up and ran off , tried running from the ass beeting climbed scaffolding and fell . That’s from 3 diff peeps that do not know each other . All this is , is your typical scum blaming Leo,s for there mouth /actions . Maybe he learned something ! Remember innocent peeps don’t run !!!

id be very surprised if you really know people that saw a random guy beat him up during the police persuit john…

IDC that the dudes in a coma and I still believe the cops fucked him up… I just cant believe they wouldnt of just said he assaulted them or something which in return resulted in the beating lol. The way it sounds, just makes the police department look bad.

stupid spook, white cops. Who do you think is gonna win this argument?

Nothing easy about the LEO profession. You have good ones, and bad apples just like everything else.

They deal with the 1% of the population that is 99% of the problem.

Have several close friends that are LEO, great dudes.

Look at my f.b it’s been talked about a few times , u may be a ls to see them I’m not sure kid . Cause I posted that same link as above and people I know squashed it .

this was a friend of mines cousin, saw pics from the hospital tonight and looked like the kid had road rash from a bad motor cycle accident… I’ll leave my assumptions out of this, but the kid is wrecked.

You can run but you can’t hide…

I was brought up on that rule. Many ass whoopings at later times were taken.


sometimes u need to fall on your face to realize your a shithead.

either way, i’d venture to say it’s pretty rare (if not non-existant) that an ex-criminal just minding their own business gets beat up this badly for absolutely no reason, whether it be from LEO or random people


i didnt read the article


Dude smashes girls head off wall. Runs from cops. Out runs cop in a alley. Cops find him later in a different area fucked up. Real fucked up.

He’s a convict, someone in his family is a rapist, his family’s blaming it on cops, blah blah blah.

theres a link to the story at the bottom ya tard lol.

guy initially gets accused of bashing girls head into wall… until girl whos head was “bashed into wall” says it wasnt “bashed into wall” …cops then chase said guy, try to taser twice, but miss… guy gets away and as police are still searching, suddenly find him laying on ground fucked up in a coma. There were cameras, but police refuse to release lol…

If I was a cop and you were running from me… I’d catch you, break all of your limbs, shit on your chest and leave you in front of the pizzeria on Caroline.