Look what some fu*k-head did to my car.

So my girlfriend and I just got an apartment near Hess street in Hamilton, and on Friday and Saturday nights there is a lot of drunks that walk home down our street. Sometimes there is singing, sometimes pukeing and sometimes arguments. Well last Saturday night around 1 I hear an argument between a man and a woman and some other people. The argument consisted of the same typical white-trash shit like “don’t touch me asshole” and “shut up bitch”. Usually when I hear this garbage I look out our window to make sure no one is messing around near mine and my girlfriend’s car. Well last week I did not look out the window and I guess my car was the third party member amongst a fight between two idiots and…

Scratched paint above DS door handle, and its not going to buff out.

Scratched DS window

Deep dent above wheel well

Scratched rear DS window

Broken off antenna

Im off to buy a rifle.

fuuck…how the hell does one do that much damage to a car in a fight. Musta been quite the brawl to leave scratches and dents like that everywhere… Sucks man.

you live near Hess, there are thousands of drunks there every weekend, i doubt this one fight between guy/girl was the cause of damage to your car, especially scrapes. people hit things when they are pissed, not scrape them up. sorry to see that your car got damaged though, try to find a new parking lot?

Just look at that new 180sx 1/4 windows new over 1/4s

welcome to hamilton man…
the dents u could pop out. the one near the 1/4 glass may be a hard one.

I wish for lesser gun laws in canada.

its an auto who cares?

j.k i hope you get the rifle

the dent also has massive scratches in it,
just to make things more fun

some people just can’t stand beauty they destroy everything nice they see like idiots

Damn dude that’s fucken terrible, I cant stand people like that… really sorry to see that happen, would make me wanna kill the person. hope you can get rid of the damage, take care

Those scratches look like they came from a studded belt. Sorry about your luck.

Yeah I hate parking my car close to hess just like you said too many inbred drunk hicks starting shit, get a bb gun or painball gun lol still hurts but at least you wont end up in pound me in the ass penitentiary

I parked my Neon on the street in front of a friends house in that general area a few years back. Went in the house for 5 minutes, came back out, and there was some fuckhead sitting in my car with a rock and a screwdriver. I opened the door and he threatened to stab me with the screwdriver. He was really in no position to make threats though, since me and 4 other guys had the car surrounded. For some stupid reason I let him go though. Wish I had just phoned the cops and kept him in the car until they showed up. Gotta love Hamilton…

Fantastic advice…

Highly unfortunate, man. Nothing you can do though and getting a gun because some cocksucker scratched you car is the stupidest idea I have heard.

just grab a pellet gun. Sit at your window, and wait for random stupid ass drunks to walk by. Snipe a few douche bags, pull the curtains, and before you know it… no more fucking idiots messing with your shit. Its like the jungle, you gotta pronounce dominance in order to get what you want. Show them who the fuck their dealing with. And besides… whos gunna catch you? lol


People like that are pure fuckheads, I had the same thing happen to me on Richmond street one night. A fight broke out and the limousine I was driving got damaged.

I hate people who have no respect for other peoples property.

I hope you get the rifle.

My suggestion

get your self a Remington 700 police Swat edition sniper rifle, this way you can ping them off from a kilometer away before they even get close to your car! These babies kick ass! Best sniper rifle you can buy! Nothing is more acurate then this baby!


stupid rednecks lol…

honestly bro, that pellet gun sounds like a good idea,
or some loud ass siren to scare those “raccoons” off haha :wink:

I know how you feel and I know how frustrating this is.
In the last one and a half years someone hit my car 3 times. Every single time it was while the car was parked.
I feel like I could strangle the person that does something like that…

Damnnnn, That really sucks. At least they didnt kick your front window in (happened to me :frowning: ) That really sucks.

My suggestion

Get a really big mean dog with rabies and just tie it to your front porch. nobody would fuck with you hahaha

lol u get a pellet gun and u miss shooting and hit ur own car instead bahahahha

why dont u go out there and confront them? or park somwhere more private? or better yet get a alarm system so the first hit lets u know to go down there with a bat.