chill newchic… i wasn’t comparing my job to anything, i don’t consider a network ‘huge’ unless you’re talking 300k+ users… besides not quantity, it’s quality
you kinda are
Managing and Administrating all operating systems and their software - obviously.
, all Servers, Communications/Connection Solutions - ad
Web site. intranet and intranet applications support experince - IIS / extranet
disaster recovery experince - backups / redundency /online rep
Deploy and maintain firewalls - 20 minutes
cryptography systems - 15 minutes
and all host security activities- block at firewall, deploy NAV, use switch protection
Oversee installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of end user desktops- 1 day + norton ghost
Install and configure messaging and printer systems - OEM by windows, 5 minutes of right clicking
Distribute and supervise server storage space allotments - SAN admin …
so all that BS that looks like a lot can EASILY be done. it’s a bunch of big words… if you want to be a system admin just go in wtih the attitude that you can take care of anything, regardless of reality… i make people feel comfortable that i can take care of ANYTHING that happens at work… meanwhile, half the time i don’t know how the fuck to use it… take 10 minutes to think about it and just go at it.
this is a great industry… i have no problem playing with computers for the rest of my ‘career’.
nerds >
still looking guess its just not the right time!
tru dat… I am not going to lie, i go into things and have no f’n clue what I am doing or what i got myself into. but then i think like a computer and think how the system would work if i designed it and i am money. computers in my opinion are mostly mental. I spend most of my time reading and researching shit i might never touch, but if I have to. I know something about it.
and if i have my perfect carreer one day it will be more in buisness I think. but right now i love computers and I am going to keep on doing them.