looking for new job

yea something def doesnt seem right or the same as it used to be there. I know unions can be corrupt but they seem fucked lol

Thanks for the info man ill look into this.

I want to work nights at GIECO just to bang bitches.

Stats can be twisted and contorted, such as outliers that go unfiltered. I’m not saying this is the case with what you posted, just to clarify. I’m with you I think…I feel the only way to make good money is to find a niche or go to college for a non liberal arts ass napkin.

Are you an apprentice? With Local 41 they dont dangle any meat. If you are on the list and a good worker you will eventually get in a year or 2.
I just finished the apprenticeship last year for local 41. I didnt know anyone “in or high up”. I just went down and applied and worked hard for a year and a half and took a couple classes on my own and i got into the program.Local 210 is lazy compared to local 41 and stuck in the old ways

Is it just electrical union or is there other branches? yes local 210 seems crooked and run poorly and exactly stuck in the old ways.How much does 41 start at?

Was waiting for you to come in here. Your electrical thing went off, lol.

Yep I’m an 2nd year resi apprentice right now. Just took the aplitude test, interviewed, and started right away. I’m kinda doing things backwards though. Once I finish this program, I’m testing into the inside program and will continue on. I didn’t have to wait on the list or take any additional courses doing it that way. Unfortunately, the resi program seems to be dying out. I doubt anyone will be able to take the same shortcut I did.

Who you working for??

Inside apprentices start at $11.70 an hour.

Is fed ex or ups a decent place to work? i know alot of people that worked at derrick of the years but have recently been laid off.

I have a friend who is a driver who likes it, and a few in the shipping center (not the UPS stores) I think he makes like 14-16/hour which isnt that bad at all for what it is

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I lol’d. *aptitude.

becoming a driver is tough at UPS…you can probably get a job workign the un load/ pre load…its part time but and pretty awful…but the health insurance is top notch.

i didn’t go through this entire thread, but all i’ll say is, you don’t want to work at a dealership. trust me. ha.

and who the fuck works at wegmans for EIGHT YEARS part time? after 1 year, if i wasnt full time with a raise, i would have left.

Baby sitting?

I worked PT for 7 years at Wegmans, one of the best PT jobs I ever had. But I had some awesome people that I worked with that made it a lot of fun.

To help you in your search, when I was looking for positions/internships, I made a GIANT spreadsheet on excel of over 150 businesses, tracking phone numbers, who I spoke to, when I spoke to them, their email, who was in charge, and did I forward them my resume

Have you thought about contacting recruiting companies that can help you find a job you are interested in, which allows you to start getting some skill sets.

Lol! I had to go back to make sure I spelled it like that. Haha! My bad!

You know I keed. I’m no grammar nazi.

Sometimes I rely on auto correct too much. Lots of times it comes through, sometimes not!

This is exactly why. The health insurance is good. I had an amazing boss up until February when he got transferred. Ive met a ton of awesome people here but ive hit a point in life where its not allowing me to save any money and theres no room to advance[COLOR=“Silver”]

---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------