Looking for some career advice from computer guys

Ok so i am currently just starting a computer science program at UB and im taking cse115. I like cmoputer science and i love computers in general. The thing is though i dont want to be a programmer for a living. I just found out that UB is starting a major this fall called informatics. Im wondering, from some of u older wiser guys that are working in computer feilds, what your thoughts are on informatics and the job outlook for informatics. Thanks Guys

you’ll have to let me know how the computer science major @ UB is … i’m looking into enrolling into CS there in fall '06 … after i’m done with my telecommunications major @ ECC

if ur looking to do programming its great. You’ll be learning Java for your first year. You will definitely learn a lot.

Yeah. Im in CSE113 right now and THAT is even alot of info. Its nice to learn though, atleast I know the basics of Java now.

Most important thing above all in my view is to get some experience. If you do an internship, thats great. I wish I did. I got a good job for the area but I had to pay my dues. I had to work through a temp agency as a helpdesk rep (ugh) for about a year and got offered a pretty cush job.

Cliffs: experience pays

inframatics sounds like interesting stuff, crazy nano technology and shit.

Then don’t major in programming (aka CS) What about computer engineering?

Computer Science @UB is very tough. Cse115 and Cse 116 is a lots of work. Then after that…you will be taking Cse250 which is a C++ class. They won’t teach you C++ but jsut go over it a bit. Then it keep getting harder and harder and more work :smiley: Very challenging major. If you don’t want to be a programmer then do database/networking.

Coming from someone who dropped the CS major years ago… I can tell you programming is not where the future is. Those jobs are going to India. They work for free and are very good at what they do.

You want to be a manager. Get some programming background, take some business classes, some logic, and make sure you get your bach. degree.

You do not want to code for the rest of your life, but no one wants to work for someone who has no clue what a program is, or how it works. Believe me, I know, I’ve been there.


had to work through a temp agency as a helpdesk rep (ugh) for about a year

i work at the ub cit help desk, i know how you feel. This informatics stuff is a lot of database, system analysis, web design, networking type stuff. It looks really interesting tho. What do you guys think of that stuff, is the job outlook good?

It’s all about who you know, and a little bit about what you know.

The most important thing is to be able to meld into your workplace.

wow… where do i start…
get a good internship. get out of cs. its good to have some programming background but if thats not what you want to do get out… if you have the loot getinto hilberts ECI program. did wonders for me.

I am planning on doing an internship this summer with my uncle in nyc. I should be able to get a feel for the feild and see where it is that i can apply myself best. But you guys all agree that i should do something other then programming right?

Make sure you understand programming.

You don’t have to be able to write a program start to finish, or create your own GUI… but you have to know the logic behind it. If you know some Java… and how it works, thats all you’ll ever need to know.

Like I said, a lot of the programming jobs are going to India… especially in WNY.

I recommend leaving the state, I don’t have to cause I already landed a sweet job, but if I ever lost it, or wanted to leave the state for other reasons, I would be able to pick up a job pretty easily outside of NY… or even WNY in general.

Unfortunately for all the other people in your CS classes… right now there is a flood of programmers looking for jobs in NYS… good luck.

Get your internship, bust your ass, don’t be stupid, and you will be fine. Help people like you… a good reference is a great tool as well. maybe the place your interning at can’t help you at the time, but the poeple your working with will be able to put in a good word for you at another place.

i guess the question is if i get out of cs, what should i get into?

networking/security > programming

alright, yeah i wanna go into support/security/networking. What im trying to find out is if this falls into informatics. Ill go to an advisor to find this out. Thanks guys

make sure if your a networking guyu… you don’t turn into the networking/hardware guy.

Support… only if its advanced user support. Noobs are teh suk

Support… only if its advanced user support. Noobs are teh suk

yeah tell me about it. Ive been awsnering n00b calls since 9 oclock and im already wanting to jump through the phone and stab them

hahaha, i remember my help desk days, sucks ass!!!