ls1 taking over (sorry i had to)



shut up its kinda cool

I would drive one.

porsche engine > lsx, I don’t care what this idiot did ;D

;D word.

Plus, someone posted the LS1 swapped 911 before :bore

Porsche + Corvette . . .

Porvette? Corsche?

Corpr . . . hmmm . . .

I’ve got it! Corvair!

I really like how the 944’s look, but I keep hearing that the engines are crap. :sad

its a cool sleeper shut up

not really… depends on the year, and i seen some 944’s YEARS ago with vette motors swapped, they were charging 6 grand for the swap, some porsche shop i seen

I say cool.

Joey joins thread, posts some idioc BS. Turns another thread into domestic v. import.

Mk30R jumps in defending joey against pantsparty/ssmokinss, takes over being the thread asswipe.

Shawn chimes in with some crap about my post here vs. a post somewhere else, turns out hes right on a technicality and everyone joins the bandwagon.

Names are called, people get angry, thread becomes useless.

/thread now

That’s always my solution to any underpowered problem, it’s not fast enough? eh, drop an LS1 in it

the 2.5 8v turbo in the 944(951) is a good engine, its just the owners who dont maintain them. big problem is they are tough to work on. the intae manifold and the exhaust manifold are ont he same side of the head… counterflow design. not the most brilliant way to package things really.

and this isn’t? with the motor that’s supposed to be in there?


;D :nana

Well now that you said that, yeah someone is going to comment on it and probably go off topic. If you didn’t post, probably not.

Not /thread.

Because I still want to know about the 944! Is it crap or not!? :lol

Nevermind, thanks Brett. :slight_smile:

porsches aren’t drag cars, they are track cars… I’m sure tossing in a huge V8 seriously screws up all it’s dynamics. BOO!

yea we all know thats a nice porsche too, i didnt say it wasnt you n00b lolol

Alright… we get it, Chevy has a decent series of of engines, congratufuckinglations