i didnt know alot last year, i was learning. ive learned ALOT in the last year. hence why i sold it, and bought this current setup for 1k difference. funny thing is i was still decently fast last year. my build is relatively budget, but using the correct parts to make it work, and last. its not like, just because i have a front mount the cars gona be fast. my setup works. im running on par with turbo lsx setups with 100s more hp than myself who have way less weight, and much more advanced suspension/tire setups. these same cars that are one-off custom, big shop builds.

im not making myself out to know “alot” more than everybody else. but i know alot of what works, and what doesnt work. now ur getting in a pissing match with me for some gay reason, trying to prove i dont know shit about lsx setups. all you have to say about it is “wow, you dont know what your talking about, you cant used off the shelf parts…” wow buddy, good arguement. then u attack decisions i made over 2 years ago (with different goals in mind), BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT, AND NO BACKING FOR YOUR STATEMENTS :roll2: