LSD in front-drive platforms vs. winter driving

Fixed slightly.

Disclaimer edit: There are fast FWD race cars running Queefs with success, however they spend a lot of time perfecting the setup to enable it to put the power down. FWD cars already have enough trouble not tearing up their front tires, and not just the ones with 500whp.

the best FWD ive ever had in the snow is the fiance’s '03 4dr civic auto with an open diff. thing is a tank and theres nothing ive been in that gave me probles!

Phantom Grip FTMFW



Best car I’ve driven in the snow is the LGT. With snows. Never got stuck. Easy car to do 150+ bombs on Rt. 9 with too.

Phantom grip is no joke…


The 3 is great in the snow. Blizzaks, lsd and dsc to keep ya going straight. But there are times (high centered) when I have to scratch the dsc and get some wheel spin to get moving.

Pretty sure the Quaife on the Cobalt is a 1 way helical. They don’t work if don’t already have some traction, that’s why they became open when one wheel is of the ground. They are OEM stuff and It is better than nothing, that’s it.

I like the combination of my front and rear suretrac lsd’s and my electronic center diff

Welded diff FTW


So wait… When the two rears spin, the rear diff detaches itself from zip ties holding it to the subframe, the single bolt to the driveshaft automatically shears, then the pumpkin spins around held in place by the half-shafts all the while acting as a dredging mechanism to remove snow from under the car for increased traction?!

If so, that’s SAWEEEEEEEEEET kid sign me up

I got stuck in my almost flat driveway in my jetta with both wheels a spinnin. must have been the bald ass tires.