Think im gonna take a stab at it. I just need to know where to get the resin the matt and other that other good stuff and tips if anyone has any. Tanks
I took a wild stab at it this past summer. I read a few articles online and ended up making this:
Everyone seems to have their little variations on how they do it, but here is my quick run down. I covered the inside of my car with aluminum foil to and laid matte and resin on it to get the shape. Once it hardens you can peel it out and have a back to fit the contours (or just use a board if you are making a simple box) then you can place you speaker rings. Use dowel rods or something like i did. Then I stretched a t-shirt over the rings to the backing board thing I made. Then I went to town with matte/resin to build up some layers. I got everything at Lowes. Any boating store will have the resin cheaper I assume.
Thats obviously the quick run down. If you have any more specific questions I’ll do my best to answer them.
sweet thats what the kinda deal I was on about making them.
as for some tips. here are a few I can think of
-stretch the t-shirt tight to avoid wrinkles. they will be your enemy
-alot of people say to use a paint brush with the part of the bristles cut off - I prefer a paper towel
-rubber gloves! its messy!
- a few quick thin layers is easier and cleaner than a thick layer
-there are at least 2 kinds of matte I know of: one for structural strength and one for smoothness. use them accordingly
-get a good sander!
yah did you use a staple gun or anything
well it was wrapped around the backing board and I used duct tape to take it to that. Sometimes you have to stretch one portion, then when you stretch another the previous one needs adjusted. I found tape was easier to use as I positioned it. After it was in it’s final place I used hot glue. After the first coat of resin I peeled the tape off that was left. Since it was wrapped around the backing peice it stayed in that position. A staple gun would work great though if you are wrapping the shirt around wood or mdf. It won’t staple well to hardened resin I don’t think.
You know when monroevilles home depo and lowes blow when they sell resin but no matt.
call a boatin store. They usually have boat repair kits cheap. They would definitely have what you need. I dont know of any boat stores in the area though.
just go to a kelly auto… !!!
I get more satisfaction doing it myself…
“Did I mention I was broke?”
are you talking to me? kelly auto is an auto parts store that sells resin and mat
da sowwy… Thought they did fiberglassing… :nuts: