Massive S chassis pull over lastnight?

I think it was that Toyota that followed me all the way home from shoppers maybe a month ago. Must of thought i did NOT know he was 5-0.

The obnoxious trying to hide stickers are actually quite visible lo.



So who in your neighborhood is responsible for all this shit?

PS: i’m liking those rear wheels peter.

Why the hell dont you realize that you might not know everything and its not so black and white as you may think it is. Its annoying to read your shit half the time…and Im not even on here much anymore!

Yeah maybe there isnt an actual number of tickets posted that each cop has to write but guess what there is an unspoken rule about how much each cop should be writing.

And it gets better, the more tickets they write, bogus or not, means the better the likely hood of people fighting them and going to court. And cops dont go to court for free, they get paid and often times overtime for it. You can piece together the rest.

But Im sure you heard your info is from a cop himself and you’ll tell me Im wrong in one way or another.

Peter what the eff is going on near your house …

Never once did I say or even ever imply that I know everything. Yet, you must prove that YOU know everything by replying to my “annoying” reply. So on one level or another, that would make you…better then me correct?

Unspoken rule? Yeaaaaaa.:wink: Kinda comes down to your attitude towards the officer. Why you drew attention to your self in the first place, etc etc.

NO. They do not get paid extra to be in court. Same pay. Court is just part of their job. No difference if they go or not. Same cheque.

To be honest. Yes, everything is directly from a half dozen officers I have as customers. As well as friends that have them in their family.

Don’t like my “annoying” replies. DO NOT READ THEM!. Disregard them. Half of SON is full of people like me. Be mature and ignore it if you don’t like it. I am “immature” so I like to reply to everything!:slight_smile:


I know that they get paid (x1.5 or x2) when they go to court + overtime.

Good attitude might help, and they may let you off once they feel they have issued enough tickets & are feeling charitable. I suppose if they are already booked for x hrs overtime they aren’t really eager for more overtime, but if someone is a dick they may just do it for kicks.

Its the luck of the draw. I’ve been lucky twice & once got nailed for barely 60 in a rd which is a 60 zone mostly, except a patch during school hr.

angry pirate

Dude. Standard time and a half for court time for the po’s.

Gentlemen, Gentlemen, whats the hub bub all about?

why cant we all get along? theres now reason to get all but hurt about
the police.

your a dumb ass! i talk to cops all the time. you just gotta figure out their mood, i crack jokes (black jokes cause im black) and they just laugh and crack a cop one back… come across as an asshole like a dumb ass(zallow), and a cop will have a field day… be nice like the rest of us that are not immature and cops will be cool as ice!!


Cops do get paid to be in court hourly so i was told by a cop… and alot of money.
put it this way. let say cops get $50Gs a year, with all the court, paid duties, and overtime… they can almost double that… taxes SUX for them tho with all the extras

^ +1 Brotha, all about respect and maturity…

p.s - & legitally knowing your innocent lol:cool:

hey can we make a section of the forum dedicated to recording the dates and time, badge number, name of officer and reasons we get pulled over and where, so that we have documented evidence that cops target us for no reason? Then eventually we can build a case against these bs cops, especially if they are pulling us over and no tickets are being given, or the tickets are challenged and beat.

Stop sucking up to Junior just because he’s black.