Mckrackin Ford

well all i know is they had a 8k markup on the new 03 cobra’s. wouldn’t budge a cent while all the other dealers were selling at sticker. wonder why McCrackin still had 03’s when the 04’s came out.

on a side note. 15237 FTW

not like an emo homosexual in a reno… … you know what i ‘look like’ and when mccrackin got a tdi way back in the day on a trade in, the idiots didn’t even know that it was a diesel… they were wondering why it was still ‘way higher than any other vw they’ve seen’… i offered them right around trade-in on it (about 15,500 a few years back) and they wanted 21… the car is 22 new and it had 95,000 miles. fucking dipshits


hey now.

i don’t look emo.


Like a mid 30s business professional that I look like everyday. I know how to look when going into a dealer. I was driving my Acura CL that was imacculate, not some POS. The sales manager said the Mustang GT was something “special” & not just anybody could drive one. I’ll admit it was one of the first GTs out there, but the GTO wasn’t anything common when I drove it.

That $5K markup was common. The ford dealer i worked at did the same thing.


i went into CIII dodge while driving a lil battery truck for AAA and they totally blew me off. so when i was out in moroeville for work i walked in the guy was cool as fuck to me. i ordered the SRT-4 right there and they got it in the next day from another dealership and i picked it up with 14G’s down the next day. fuck what people look like its how the dealer treats you when you look like a blue collar worker.

:rofl: I had the EXACT same thing happen to me out at CIII Dodge. I went in to look at a Dakota truck, and the people there basically ignored me. I finally asked to see a salesman, when an older guy, maybe around mid 50’s, came out and started to talk to me. He didn’t even sound interested in the sale. Showed me the truck, checked out the interior, then walked back in. He says to me “Do you even have the money to afford this truck right now?”. That pissed me off beyond all belief.

I left and went to my uncle’s house to tell him about it. He buys alot of vehicles, and deals almost directly with the people at Shultz Dodge when he needs a Dodge product. He sent me out there, I bought the exact truck I was looking for, and they treated me like absolute gold. It was great.

A couple of days after I bought the truck, my uncle had a pretty big move job he had to do in which the customer wanted to pay straight cash. He ended up with about 17k in his hand. He gave me a call and wanted to know if I wanted to have some fun.

He picked me up and we went down to Century III Dodge. He threw all this money in a duffel bag, and he and I walked in. We found the original salesman and he told him that I was still interested in the truck. The guy gave sort of a disinterested look, but we went out, checked it out, test drove it, and I told the guy I loved it and wanted to buy it now. Once again, he asked how I’d like to pay for it and if I had a trade.

We get back to his desk and sit down and my uncle goes out, grabs the duffel bag, and comes in. He sets it on the guys desk and says “Here is 17k. We’ll finance the other 4”. The guy damn near shit a brick. As he looked inside, my uncle gets up and says “next time, don’t judge a book by its cover. I think we’ll go buy a truck from someone that treated us good when we first walked in the door, no matter how we’re dressed” and walked out.

The guy literally followed us out the door, along with either the Sales Manager or General Manager begging us to come back in. We just jumped in the car, waved at them and took off.

Fuck those people. That is rule #1 of sales, you sell to everyone exactly the same whether you think they have money or not.

sendell VW took my order and my down deposit… i got a silver car with black non-leather interior… they fucked me around for 2 weeks and gave me my new car… a black car with beige interior… i guess they figured i was 18 years old and an idiot??? or something… so i went to the in house accountant, requested my check and ripped it up infront of them…

drove 100miles to charleson WV where i picked up my new silver car with black interior… put 5k down and drove home.

fuck idiot salesmen

Great story!!!:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :beer: :beer:



So i found out that they got in the $10M-$15M range for the land.

Sturman and Larkin Ford near Century III Mall
was selected out of 21 dealers who where interested in SALEEN

so there the new Pitt saleen dealership

sweet, i know they had people from saleen there last week or so checking the place out. Not to mention they are a great dealership.

Does anyone even shop in the Century III area anymore? Last time I was at that mall it was like a ghost town, which is a complete 180 from when I was in high school.

yeah sometimes… it’s > monroeville robinson and ross park traffic.

:offtopic: but you never got back to me on that RAM??