Meatheads talking about eachother's meat and increasing the size of their meat. MEAT.

Wow. You sure do a lot of unneccessary shit, and you have a lot of learning to do. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just being straight up. Whey is 26% BCAA, and most high-quality animal protein is 18-26% BCAA so unless you’re on a low-protein diet, you’re pissing money down your pipes. Furthermore, I’m assuming that we’re talking about a typical 60-75 minute weight training bout, not a marathon or triathlon, so If you properly time your preworkout meal, you should still have elevated aminos, glucose, & insulin in the blood even after the training bout is over. This nullifies the need to suck down quick-acting empty-calorie sugar like dextrose. This also nullifies the need to spike insulin postworkout. FYI, nutrient-mediated inhibition of protein breakdown is maxed-out with small rises in insulin. Let me also add that you can throw glutamine in the “waste of money” file as well. It has failed repeatedly at enhancing strength and/or body composition. Also, your body can use dietary BCAA to manufacture glutamine, if you’re really worried about it.