Military Members

Advancement still has it’s ups and downs. Last cycle was pretty high for HMs, which means the next one will suck!

my job is to laugh at the booters i see at NFCU when i cash my paycheck.

aint that the truth. my rate was locked up the first 3 years i was in, then i made E4, and E5 first time up

Ive talked to the navy recruiter in green island before, he seemed like a pretty decent guy. Il probably just have to talk to him again. Either way, like the kid a few posts above me said, if I went through the navy’s OCS program, I would probably find something I liked somewhere along the lines.

Just starting my Army career. Im in my second year of Army ROTC. I love it. I go to a school that costs around 45,000 a year at no cost plus i get a stipend.

The training is really cool…obv there are some shitty parts but do a lot ‘war games’ sort of stuf. My school is rated #3 in the nation for ROTC so there are a lot of guys and its run really well.
The money isn’t free. I’m required to be at PT 3 days a week but I usually go 6 so it isn’t too bad. I have to attend military science classes which are usually bullshit. Weekly two hour training sessions. Also one weekend a month training. THEN I have four years of service after college but i will be commisioned as a 2nd Lieutenant.

I love it…definitely not for everyone but it fits like a glove for me. I’m hoping to go to Airborne school this summer then next summer I have to spend a month out at Fort Lewis (washington) for training/evaluation of all my previous training.

The key part for the Military is to really find a job that you like. I’ve known people that hate working on electronics and become Crypto Tech maint. Basically this person worked on spy stuff and hated their job.

That sounds pretty sweet to me!

There are alot of jobs in the Military that pay well.

How would one find these positions? The military in some way shape or form has always been on the back of my mind but never makes the jump to reality due to a few factors, one of them being the money.

look what is paying high in the civilian sector, and seek a job in the military that is in that field. the training you get is priceless if you can use it towards a civilian career field.

this will depend on ASVAB score first, well at least in the Marines I know for sure it does.

Talk to a local Recruiter.

Same with Navy.

same with every branch. but as you and i know. if your asvab is low, you certainly arent going to be seeking some Nuke or Operations Specialist job. or crpyto. youll be a cook or an AO, or sent 11a/b/c with a rifle and a pack, headed right to the suck.

they recomputed my asvab scores recently and it actually went up 1 whole point, still qualify for nearly everything except chapel services… i think they know im the devil


Really wish i enlisted when iwanted too… Instead of this place (job) fucking me over like i knew would happen mid july:(
EOD :number1
Could have used the 30k and free school FML

Yea my score was a 88 so I qualified for a lot of jobs but communications is what I wanted to do. Which you actually needed a pretty high score b/c I had to get a security clearance and carry around crypto in my pack when out on patrols.

I went out on a few missions with EOD teams…those fuckers are crazy, fun to watch tho when they come across a IED or just a weapons cache that has to be blown up!

Even though I aced the asvab, I still picked 12B just to do shit like this ^. My recruiter thought I was nuts haha. We worked side by side with EOD from all branches and in the early years, did their mission for them cuz there were so few teams in the desert at that point, and we were the only people in the sector with demo. Ive blown up everything from propane tanks to banks, huge 155mm caches to 4 story apartments…fricken loved it. But I lost count how many times Ive been blown up myself…we used to do route clearance on foot back in the day, then humvees/113’s, none of that fancy gear like buffalos and cougars till my last tour. Been rocked quite a few times :slight_smile:

I’ve done a couple missions with both Marine and Army Spec Ops. Had a blast doing crazy shit in the middle of the night.

Along with good ASVAB Score you NEED to graduate High school. Navy stopped taking GED and I’ve heard through the grape vine that Army isn’t taking GEDs anymore!:wow

For the most part, yeah…

"Enlisting with a GED

The Army is not accepting people with a GED in most areas of the country, however, the Army reserves the right to waive certain disqualifications and allow enlistment if deemed in the best interest of the individual and the service. If you will only need a waiver for the GED, it is highly likely that you will be accepted. Please note that when the Army did accept a GED, they were required to score at least 50 on the ASVAB.

There are some drawbacks to enlisting with a GED, such as not being eligible for bonuses. If you have 15 college credit hours under your belt, you will be eligible for bonuses. Also, upon reaching 30 college semester hours, no waiver is needed for the GED."

Im Active Army right now serving in Iraq as an 11b (Infantry) i love it and i wouldnt wanna be doing anything else right now…The friends you make and the things i have expierenced has made it well worth joining.

security clearance FTW