minor body work!!

sorry didnt mean to jack ur threade or anything i just think ur prices are a little high but i like the work anyways gl with everything and dont call me a joke just cuz i charge barely nething i just like doin it for fun

What? $20 to do what I did!!! what ever bud. Some of the jobs take me 2weeks to do, frame, floor, rocker panels and quarter panels. If you want to work for peanuts go right ahead.lol. $300 to$450 and $500 to $650 depending on the job.

Welding wire $17.00 x3 metal $60 to100, hydro bill $150.00 to 200. depending on the job. My time spent working from 9am to 12am…PRICELESS

As much as I’d like to get things done for cheaper, you have to admit, welding is an art. The man does art, and you can’t put a price on the feeling he gets while working with metal. Its like some airbrushers who do incredible collages and stuff. They could charge a specific amount for their work, but in the end, its priceless since it can never be replicated with the same authenticity as the original.

No two paintings are alike; no two welds are alike.

You may be able to get it done cheaper at another place, but who knows if you get the same quality of work?

Stephen, I’ll contact you again closer to summer for the rocker and rear quarter panel treatments.

Keep up the good work.

If anybody needs body work done on their car let me know

hey, do you make house calls? i just need some help making the frame boxing and welding it maybe. the frame is rotted on both side but there is shape. i have a lincon mig pak 100 that can be used to weld if your not portable.

Yes I can when do you want to do this? give me youor number and I can take a pass tomorrow.

hey man can i get a qoute from ya? when and wherE?

were do you live? I need to see pix or bring the car by me.

ill come by where are you located?

hey there just looking for some quick advise. i am going to rebuild my floors and wanna know if i should butt them then weld them right up, or over lap then weld them up or just over lap and tack both sides then tar?

Frame Work: Ok i will keep you in mind, but im no quite ready to get the frame fixed up yet. im away for the next few months so probly ill contact you in sept.

Over lap and weld right around.

Hey stephen, can we finish things off next week?

when next week?

Saturday or Sunday, just get the sucker done and I can bolt everything back on Sunday night
my cell is dead

I’m hurting bro. this needs to be finished. my wallet is bleeding.

draggone is the man. wen i get my car back on the road hes fixing my floor.

draggone just finished doing my 240 tonight he did my passenger floor he’s someone i would recommened will be posting pics soon…

Did this car on Sat s14

thats some nice work, once I pick up a 240 I’ll pm you if it needs some minor body work.

Damn, how’d you get my S14? lol.
I have the same problem on my S14. Samw colour to!

Just incase anyone was wondering. I had mine rear quarters quoted by a professional restoration shop. I was looking at $1500 PER SIDE! UNPAINTED!

So this is quite a steal I must say.