Moral of the story is...

uuuuuum, dont do burn outs infront of a police station. OUCH!

DAMN! Talk about a pounding headach the next day!

That’s pretty fucked up.

do the cops forget about the dash cam? or do they just not give a shit?

Wtf? Granted, doing burnouts right out in front of the Police station is going to get you in a hot mess, but not one that involves a beating so bad you have to eat through a fucking straw.

Damn pigs.

If they let them go with no charges that night I’d say it was a fair deal.

That’s fucked up. But what did he expect? The cops to come out at say god job? Some cops are massive dicks and unfortunately he found that the hard way

I mean, it’s pretty awful what those pigs did, but I mean, if you taunt an animal…

What gets me is this:


I’ll take the unsafe start ticket, what is that like $75? lol

I’m sorry, but ANY ONE OF US who did that to ANYONE ELSE would be in fucking jail. If you cant see that the police are getting special treatment, as always, that none of us would ever get, think again. I don’t care if they burned a blow up doll at the stake in front of the police station while doing doughnuts around it, there is NO REASON for the cops to do what they did. Think about it- if you had your concealed carry and were attacked like that by anyone else, you would have the right to take them down if you couldn’t get away, even in this POS state. Those clubs are deadly weapons, x3 of those cock suckers. Now add in the fact that by doing so, you would probably end up getting shot by one of them, or at least charged for protecting yourself because the guy WAS a cop, even though YOU were in your rights to defend yourself… and you can see how this situation can spiral out of control in a hurry, and no matter how it plays out, they will pin it on you.

FUCK asshole power-trip cops.


I thought I was reading some Quattro-Krant stuff here. Haha

both parties were stupid

Not going to deny that. But I am sorry, burnouts do NOT equal Assault with a Deadly Weapon, because that’s exactly what those cops did, and what you and I would be charged for. What does the cop get? Community service which he will weasel out of, and NO criminal records. Our courts would RUIN YOU for the rest of your life over something like that. Kiss any kind of permit, border crossing, federal jobs, etc goodbye with a violent felony on your record.

Welcome to the Do As We Say, Not As We Do states of America.

Its a long name, but its correct.

Even MMA doesn’t allow kicking your opponent when they’re on their knees. That was brutal.

But LOL:

And some locals are not entirely sympathetic to victims who have misbehaved. Mr Bray’s ex-partner Amy Bray said in a police statement that she had told him he had acted “like a teenager” and a “dickhead”.

Canned spaghetti? Wtf? Like not O-shaped spaghetti in a can?

The people in the video said they expected punishment… lol.
It’s funny that they didn’t even go to the cops about it. Granted they were the ones that did it… But facebook pictures and stories turned in to an inside investigation? hum.

But definitely, an average person would get fucked for life doing that…

The video is from Australia…