More workout talk (Split from purchase thread)

As gay as it sounds, this is 100% true. I use to go to the gym and do the same weights every time, thinking “hey eventually Ill just get stronger”. NOPE. Put your mind to it and push and you’ll gain pretty decent. Another thing I learned is that with going for a new weight, dont set in your head “Im going for 6 reps”, b/c at 6, mentally youre done.

Snapped a vid of Sully at the gym earlier!!

I’m sure the pile of anabolics that Arnold was on didn’t have much to do with his physique:dunno

Cardio AFTER you train, always, then food after that cardio session

Not me. After years, I finally figured it out. Here is my workout


Close grip bench
Shoulder press


T-bar row





2 hours 25 min in the gym a WEEK, CRAZY gains vs the 6 hours or so I used to do.

You fuckers are going to make me get serious again, not sure to say thanks, or fuck you, lol

Need gym buddiesz.

[quote=TurboTravis;852867]I’m sure the pile of anabolics that Arnold was on didn’t have much to do with his physique:dunno

hahahahahha the typical arnold diet was roids to get big n strong, smoke weed so hed eat like an ox, and coke to stay lean hahahahahha typical 1970s diet

Not me. After years, I finally figured it out. Here is my workout

lol so u have ot before hahah that was my point blockhead lmaoooo

What kind of protein do you guys use? ive been using the GNC pro performance along with the body fortress(walmart) creatine

Opt Nut. hurr

eas myoplex 5lb bag from bj’s cause im a cheap fuck.

ISOPURE in this bitch. Used to use that shit when I was on a carb-restricted diet. Got my weight down to 200 from 320 and my bench from 150 to 250 in 6 months. Everyone said it wasn’t possible so I showed them how I roll. Then I found something else the interested me more and did that, ended up getting on a medicine that made my appetite increase and I fucked it all up. Forever alone.

I was around 260 before I started working out 5 years and now Im down to 211-215 (within that range). Last year I lost 30 pounds and have kept it off.

Yeah cocaine will do that to you Paul…

It’s a helluva drug.

I don’t do more then 12 sets a workout, but i’m in there 6 days a week

dont for get your BCAA’s errbody! what kind of pre workout drinks do all u brutes use??

I’ve not heard good things about the GNC brand

I have heard good stuff about EAS used to be a big deal

ISOPURE i have used and probably had the best results with.

It was pretty pricey when i was using it 6-7 years ago not sure where its at now.

I use Designer Whey. Its pretty cheap online and taste pretty good. very smooth going down, not to thick even with two scoops

I had three seperate dreams about eating last night. Think my body is trying to tell me something?

Usually whatever energy drink Walmart or the dollar store has

you mite as well light your money on fire broski.

Yeah trial and error i guess, but honestly its worked good for me, i used to use walmart brand and that worked good, didnt mix as well as this stuff tho, always got alot of clumpy dust

I just need the energy when I get there because I go right after work and Im kinda beat. Once Im working out Im good.