More workout talk (Split from purchase thread)

Um, wait bro, don’t take No Xplode AND caffeine pills…LOL

Haha, could you imagine, shit would be crazyyy, i meant that i dont have any sort of pre workout supplement for tomorrow morning

that does not sound like a great combo lol

I’d do it, like two scoops and a caffeine pill, before going to the bar or something, but not to workout

(everyone, be advised that I’m a stimulant junkie and don’t attempt this)

yes this is true…and guys, lets not forget about THE most important factor here. YOU MUST TRAIN HARD! if you think you are training hard you need to go at it harder. you need focus. your mind controls your body… envision yourself growing and getting stronger. no joke. Arnold believed in and preached this.

i been pushing myself pretty good lately. even being as sore as i am, still putting in the 30-45 mins of hard work then another 30mins on the bike is a good start for me i think. can only get more intense from here and im looking forward to that

anyone go to the pf in xgates commons?

home gym over hereeeee

buncha gays itt

lots of testosterone ITT

Do any of you guys know if there is a local workout forum or at least something that’s New York State specific?
I know Albany Strength used to have one a while ago, but took it down after some people were using it just to talk shit.


Here as in the “offbeat” section of a car forum?

this is, of course, true.

but check out this consumer report thing, shows that some protien powders have the maximum daily allowance of toxic chemicals (like lead) in one scoop. If your taking 3-4 scoops a day for years you could have a problem.…rink/index.htm

thats just another reason why it may make sense to change brands now and then, then go back to your fav

as far as caffine pills go, they can help me get thru a lot of cardio but i don’t see much of an edge for lifting.

LOL @ lead. This might explain some of the personality defects I have witnessed in friends who supplement like mad.

this post is a bold face lie


all i am going to say is that sometimes less is more


what do you do for cardio?

when do you do it?

I typically do it after i lift. wonderin if i should take the shake after i lift and before cardio, wait till after cardio, or find a different time to do cardio

cant argue that, 100% of everyone overtrains, we are all guilty of it lol

Seems to work better than