Movie thread.

Braveheart ehh
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind plot was good but gets boring in some parts
Shawshank redemption If you haven’t already, watch it
Limitless amazing, shows you how much one person can accomplish
Blindside good
Crank I like it because I have the movie’s ringtone

Crank ringtone ftw! Haha.

The experiment - idea was really good I didn’t mind the acting overal I’d give it like a B-

Thor was nasty the graphics were pretty good and I like these kind of movies. Def worth the see if u dig the xmen/marvel/dc comic book movies B+

The Watchmen. Forgot how good this was. Definetly a long movie and I think u have to read the graphic novel to understand each characters mind and all the details that are intertwined within the story. Def an A

I forget what else I’ve seen recently. Ill have to check thru my queue on netflix and my dvd collection to remember.


The first time I saw watchmen I got maybe an hour into it and I hated it, turned it off etc. I decided to give it another shot and watched it… after now haveing seen it fully though… its a very very good movie.

Yeah its definetly an overwhleming/boring movie if u don’t know what’s going on. Like I said, iread the book and I thought it was amazing. But when I saw it in theatre my friend was asking what was going on, who’s this and a bunch of questions. I definetly recommend reading the graphic novel to anybody before seeing this.

Good to see somebody that knows the watchmen :tbu

Yeah I still havent watched the Watchmen. lol What did you guys think of “13”

Crank ringtone FTW as well! Ive had it for a couple years now haha

+rep to all my buddies with the crank ringtone haha, shit is hilarious… people think my phone is dying when i get calls lmao

I know it’s not a movie, but I’m almost finished season 2 of Sons of Anarchy. The series is fucking awesome.


I wish Netflix would fuckin get season 3.

And if I had to go through here and name movies, I’d be here all day. I had over 1000 DVD’s at one point.

Yeap… your an addict

Season 3 isn’t out on DVD yet.

Makes sense.

I have seen all the seasons of anarchy as well…

as well as all the seasons of rescue me. Rescue me is 10x better.

Good show. FX has some great programs. I’m a big fan of Justified as well.

same here.

its tough, huge fan of sons of anarchy, but im gonna say Dexter>all tv shows

Saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean: Good movie. Johnny Depp delivers another entertaining movie

Wife talked me into seeing Bridesmaids with her, also a decent movie. Extremely funny, laughed a lot.

I heard on the radio that they were saying its funnier then the first hangover.

it wasnt funnier then the hangover but it was really funny. I didnt feel like i wasted 2 hours to go see it with the wife. plus it got me brownie points. lol
