MPG C5 vs Prius

put the two against each other in bumper to bumper traffic.

no contest.

yay the prius gets better milage. yay the camaro is faster. ok end of discusion.

and moving on.

I can disprove that myth

this is the real solution

who the hell wants a diesel car


the next diesel car, from a japanese company, with a manual transmission, will be my next car.

the camaro???

even if it gets better mileage, the price difference of diesel vs gas would eat that up pretty quick.

I would rather have a big safe car that gets bad mileage than a small deathtrap like most of the cars are today.

not if it’s running on mostly vegetable oil, of which i have a nearly endless supply.

yeah my bad. thinkin about my old car. i meant vette. and shawn aka boost junkie has been runnin his truck with bio diesel in the front tank and pure lard in the rear… runs in on the front tank it the truck warms up and then switches over and then finishes with the front tank before he is finished so it doesnt gel up in his lines. cheap cheap cheap. thats what he told me a few months ago when i saw him out somewhere.

[ame=“”]YouTube - Top Gear - Toyota Prius vs BMW M3 fuel economy[/ame]

is a road coarse hilly?

The fact that Vette can even BE in a comparison with something that is purpose built to maximize fuel economy is impressive enough. If the vette were actually tuned and geared for optimal fuel economy, it would get significantly better than it does now. Which proves that efficient gas engines can be made. Which makes me angry that car companies DO NOT make them.

Yup. Put narrow (less drag) low rolling resistance tires on C5 tuned for fuel economy and I’d bet you could get 40mpg freeway.


1989 CRX HF 41city/50hwy
1992 Honda Civic VX 39city/49hwy

2008 Honda Fit 28city/34hwy
2008 Honda Civic 26city/34hwy


That’s pretty crazy.

This is the exact point I’ve been trynig to make to people. I was talking to some old guy (probly 45…lol) and he was talking about how his CRX is his gas guzzler cuz he has some hybrid also. I didn’t have any numbers but I was pretty sure that his MPG’s would be better around here in the CRX.

Edit: nvm prius is rated for 48 mpg city…but still is not much better than the CRX I’m sure around the hills in the area

this is the exact reason that CAFE has been set up by the government. all call companies need to avg a 35mpg sales by 2010 i believe is the year.

I understand the gripe re: fuel economy, and I agree, but a look at the numbers puts things in perspective (I’m just using the Fit and CRX since they were already mentioned). You can’t make things heavier AND more powerful AND more efficient AND inexpensive to an infinite degree. People want brand new cars to act and feel like brand new cars, which thus far has meant a demand for more power, more sound insulation, and more comfort. Most of those add weight, which calls for more power, which makes fuel efficiency harder to come by. Drive a new Fit and go drive a stock 89 CRX. I’m not saying I care for the Fit, but the difference in comfort is going to be ridiculous.

Fit: 2400lbs, 1.4L, 108hp/105lb-ft, 28/34mpg
CRX: 1800lbs, 1.5L, 62hp/83lb-ft, 41/50mpg

They both run high 16’s in the 1/4. Highway mileage from the C5 is definitely impressive. IMO it’s probably the best value going in a sports car.

i bet if you put 600lbs ina crx you will get way better milage then 34

Are you dumb or did you just not actually read my post?