MTO Checkup

insurance wont go up and darkside to them its a smaller motor just forget to tell them its turbo.
My insurance stayed the same but my aproach was well my motor is on its way out and I can get a japaness newer motor for less but its 2 liter only guy oh well was it made to go in that car me yes but only in japan him well ok it sould stay the same since its a smaller motor ok great im going to do that how about the front end from the clip insurance guy well how much will you want for it if its in an acident me lol youll write the car off just give it back to me him deal.
lol bad writing sorry guys long and short tak to them the right way and you can get alot covered.

so I have to tell the DMV as well as my insurance. I was hoping to have the car sold by then or at least be 25 year of age so it would not make it that much more expensive

Ill call my broker tomorrow and just ask her. Hell the name of the broker is Benson insurance so ill see what they say.

i keep forgetting that u guys are different, or i am, how ever u wanna look at it!! we have autopac, that’s it. I’m 23 and it costs me 1170 a year.

I’ll have to remember to tell them I’m swapping in a smaller motor, and forget to mention it’s turbo. could you not run a sr without a turbo?? i remember seeing a few years back a squirrel turbo system (sts turbo) that replaces your muffler with a turbo. u could always hide the turbo, but i don’t think it’s gotten to the point were you get pulled over every other week for a inspection!! the sts turbo did look/sound pretty sweet–

ya to much work,
ill just tell them. hell why not. I dont drive like an asshat

I can not find any MTO information on swaping a motor or where to contact to get thi9s changed on my vin.

This shit has me all freaked out.

hahaha and I probably have one the the safest built cars on here.

i wouldn’t sweat it, they have to give you time to meet the requirements, unless you fail horribly I’m sure they would give u time to bring it up to code.

Benson, I wouldn’t tell the insurance company anything… don’t even call them. Like Mael said, just answer their questions with the best answers you can… they will see that you’re not a retard (so long as he’s not a retard) and they’ll let you go hopefully.

Hahaha I am only retarted when I want to but.

But ya that is what I am thinking, hahaha also I am sure that they are going to have some CRAP cars there. So that will make mine look really good. I should get my driving abstract and “forget” to leave it open on my dash so they see I have no offenses

** sorry for long post guys - but maybe this will get some sort of petition going to stop this non-sense or make it fair for everybody in Ontario…

I saw the article guys on ERASE and personally I think it’s disgusting using someone’s tragedy to make up excuse to crack down on people modifying and coloring their cars… Modifying cars doesn’t mean you will race them - if I really care about something, last thing I want to do is destroy it or have it taken away. Shouldn’t it be - “be judged for what you do instead of what you look like” - so why the heck is having mods becoming gradually illegal as part of crackdown on “street racing”?

Maybe we should have an anonymous honest vote on “who likes to street race” and look at the number of people here modifying their cars and see what percentage of this are actually “street racers”.

How did government make the connection between putting on a spoiler or adding exhaust to killing a human being.

Days after the Manchesters were killed, a visitor from England, Peter Kippax, lost control of a Porsche he was driving alongside a cousin’s Mercedes on Mavis Rd. in Mississauga. He was killed, while two people in an oncoming car were severely injured.

Each time an article appears in the paper, are they going to be pulling over stock Mercedes and Porsche as well or just focusing on young people with 10+ year old junkers? What if it’s grandpa’s van next time - will we see these cars added to the black list too? Not likely… It’s the same double-bias we faced before with “street racing” law.

You don’t have cops standing outside lcbo regularly cracking down on how people store their booze, whose drinking has actually proven far more fatal than street racing. I am not for street racing - I am saying is let’s be fair here in terms of law making because it will end up hurting almost all of us now regardless of what we do behind the wheel… “Street racing law” was about the way cops could interpret our driving - now the new reinterpretation of ERASE is about the way our cars look “suspiciously” (aka lowered, exhaust, etc)…

What do you guys think - am I off the rocker on this one?

^^ya but a car that is tooo low can be just as unsafe as a car with blown struts, a badly balanced big brake up grade can give you a tendance to lock up under hard braking, racing seats are not legal for road use not because thay are worse (they are not) but because of all the crap being sold thats not fia and can cause more damage in a crash, shaved door handles well when im hanging on by a string in a crash I want them to be able to open my door to save my ass, harnesses well if you have harnesses in you better hope they know how to open them, never mind all the shitty work that gets done on cars
its been tested but a big front brake kit with nothing done to balance out the rears will actually increase your braking distance but most people just think they have better brakes and can slam on the brakes later. Im not saying any one on this forum is like that but any modified car gets grouped in so you just have to prove your with in limits then your on your way and I wouldnt be surprised if it was put on the police computer that you passed and you never get pissed on about it later.
half the modified cars out there are dumped lower then the suspention can actualy handle and so on hard cornering they hit the bump stops then you got nothing


I definitely agree.

I totally agree with that. So I just hope that everything is like that when they check my car.

just a heads up, they will take pics of the motor, and they will contact your insurance company with any findings they might see, if it doesnt jive you will be cancelled for non-disclosure , and thats bad . Also at these checks they have nissan tecks that as well as honda tecks too. if your car doesn’t have the factory air injection pump on it , it will have the plates taken off the car and you will be fined heavily. If your bov is not recirculating but is exiting to open air , it will be a ticket .

be prepared to wlk home from your inspection if its not 100% up to ministry standards and emmision standards

I know this because i have a connection with a friend who is in the know with what is going on this summer with the import cars and such


Why is it illigal to have the BOV exausted in the air. It is before the throttle body so it should not be a problem.

air injection pump eh?

blowby recirculates (or is supposed to) through the intake tract

so if you vent the BOV, even though it’s at the intake tube, that is not 100% clean air if your emissions system (read: PCV system) is working properly

I see I see, hmmmmmm,
Looks like I have to make a AIV system and get my BOV to recuic before my checkup than.

Seems they look at a lot in 10 min

the bov is after the turbo and the recirc entry is after the maf keeping this a closed loop system. The bov vents excess pressurized air that the maf has calculated fuel for, so what happens when the air is vented? there is too much fuel ! hence anything other than this is illegal.

Air injection pump, the car was equipt with it in japan and its the first thing many of us throw out when we do the installs, they will be required when thee chacks are done. this lowers emmisions by injecting air into the exhaust stream .

oh ya and playing stupid and saying things like “my buddy did the install” and “Oh i didnt know what that did” will get you in alot of trouble . keep this in mind if you are smart enough to do the swap and know how this works, its is presummed that you are aware of the status of your modifications to the car be it legal or illegal


Well that I know, and I understand how this all works.

I just have to make my own AIV system. I think this can be done.

Meh what ever, I am going to sell this car anyways so I am just not caring about it anymore anyways

apperently after a big long winter or most winters mto dose rust checks iv seen and heard of a couple of the “pull over and let me look under your car” apperently these girls were driving up from the US for a concert in toronto and they got pulled over on one of these checks and the car was so bad they took it away on the spot and scrapped it and the girls had to take the bus back lol, rust is a major lookout for mto after winter apperently.

my advice, roofers tar. i think we all know why :wink: