want my car on the road

ok guys, looking for a etest. i have a rb20 so no way of it passing. so if someone can pm me with an “idea” on what i can do or someone i can take it too that will “get it to pass”. that would be great.
before someone says something about wanting a “funny” etest. stick it… i need it and its the only way im doing it.
i also have other 240’s i can bring to test clean.

past couple years they have been cracking down HARD

no joke, if you find a spot let us know.

it seems like more work but i once installed 3 cats on one of my trucks to get it to pass lol

“yes sir, its just a aftermarket muffler tip… i want it to sound sick like a honda”

Have it tested as hot rod?


and throw a ridiculous lip on it so they cant even get it onto the machine,

does that actually work? ive heard about getting your car to be too low to get it on

^^^^ yes it does, if its too low they will just do a 2 speed idle test.

wouldn’t you just run into more legal problems? there is such a thing as “too low” in the eyes of the law, how can you use that as an excuse when doing emissions?

emission places don’t really care how low the car is. and different dynos vary as far as the “on-ramp” goes… but yes, if the car is too low and can’t make it on the machine, they’ll just do an idle test and it’ll still count as an emission test

sorry double post, my PC sucks

i know all about the system, im going to be certified in less then three months. its finding someone. if i have to ill take my vin off one and put it on my other just to pass then swap it back. but i would rather just bring both cars in and scan one and test other

lower it down mad low so it cant get on the machine then raise it back up after the e-test is done lol

LOL good to know…cars getting slammed then once the rb20 goes in over the winter, then etest… :smiley:

not to be negative but I doubt this will have any effect if you pass or not. Maybe if you barely fail a rolling you may pass without the load but I wouldn’t get your hopes up. just my 2 cents

run it as a hot rod. bumps the year down to 1980. your almost guaranteed to pass. put a lip on it and lower it. ive done a couple lowered cars that i cant fit on the dyno so it gets run in 2 speed idle.

lol I’ve been told stories of people trying the “too low for dyno” thing and if its a noob/moron doing your etest, they’ll try to get it on anyway and scrape everything lol

The easiest thing would be to goto the nissan dealer closest to you and ask to speak to the service manager. Just tell him whats up, u have a different motor swap in your car and its not passing emissions. They can give you a letter stating that its not the original motor in the car. As long as the motor that was put in the car has a bigger displacement than the original one it will be able to be tested as a hot rod. Just from previous experience and from what i am told by friends.

Its incredibly simple to get a car to pass. Go to your local Nissan dealership and have someone who knows what’s good to write a letter saying that yes, the motor was swapped in.
Slam your car.
Take slammed car + letter to random e-test place or Canadian tire.
Testing as a hot rod greatly increases limits, as mentioned.
2 speed idle raises limits and drops the Nox. An EGR won’t function at idle or raised idle so it can’t be properly tested.

I’ve done many cars like this, and never had one fail.

The key is having a good running swap and obviously a proper Catalytic converter. 3 way is best, but they’re big $$

The RB still had to pass japanese emissions standards back in the 90’s, keep that in mind.

I had a buddy fail Hot Rod bad, and his car didn’t run bad at all.

RHD, gives you grey market e-test (1980) Pass everytime (Y)


I have a “guy” haha. Text or call 2269227565.