MTO Engine swap declaration

So, I’m hearing that all engine swaps have to be registered with the MTO now or something ? I mean legally and what not…

whats the deal with that ? aparently you need the serial and the model code ?

so who knows the details on it ?

never heard of it…

but if indeed its a law or whatever then wouldnt the MTO state it in the highway traffic act etc etc… as they would on roll cages and other devices installed into/onto a vehicle.

MTO is gay.

rules are stupid.

just rock your car how you like and let them clog up the courts until they have no choice but to throw everything out and start again.

sounds like a plan

Say it’s a silvia/180sx :roll:

so no one has any details on this ? I don’t care about it, I just want to be informed. so if you don’t know keep the off topics comments to a min please.

I just checked the HTA and it says nothing about that…

Did you check the online one?
They probably don’t append it very quickly.

Did you check the online one?
They probably don’t append it very quickly.[/quote]

yup, the online one.

I thought they would change that one accordingly as well :frowning:

yeah I tried to tell the MTO I had a 2L motor, and she said have you changed the # of cylinders,

I said, no 4 clyinder

she said no need to change ownership

darian has a good point… and its true

if you have an SR now in place of the KA, then your ownership should say 2.0L Turbo.

Ownership says nothing about power adders, only displacement and fuel type.

My 200sx (which was a factory turbo) says 1.8 Gas

This is nothing new, it’s just like changing your address or your paint color.

It’s free to change information on your ownership, and it will give the cops one less thing to write up a ticket.

But the odds of a cop a) noticing, b)having a clue

are slim. If your ownership says RED and your car is now BLU you can get a ticket, because even the dumbest cop knows his primary colors.

It’s a clerical thing though, your insurance company won’t find out through the MTO.