My Backyard Makeover

I left the screen room the original wood deck and plan to use a deckover coating system.

On your subject of grit, the Deck Over has a LOT of traction on my brothers deck. No way will anyone be slipping on it but if they do it’s going to take off layers of skin like sandpaper.

The area I am going to do it will not require much grit as there is a large outdoor rug in the area but I have seen some where people go grit crazy and that seems lousy for bare feet and dirt holding.

look great. lighting really sets it off.

This looks really great! What I would give just to have that screened in room in the back…I sometimes work from home, calling on prospects and what not when the office is too hectic and that would be awesome to have in the summer! I’ll be making a mental note of what to look for in my next house…

Yeah. Its nice for breakfast in the summer weekends. I use it to house my grill in the winter so I can feast. Its also a nice kiddie play pen.

Not in the photos is the rest of the skirting that installed along the “front” of the deck. I put in a barn door to give me extra storage space for pool junk.

Guess that answers my question about what ever happened to that deck project.

Got the Outdoor TV up. Have to say it is absurd to have for the short warm season we have, but I have watched Hockey Playoffs and golf outside with a beer and it is absolutely worth it.