Very jealous. Looks great! I can’t wait for updates.
Whats the plan for the red one? Just drive it?
Very jealous. Looks great! I can’t wait for updates.
Whats the plan for the red one? Just drive it?
Well there is a certain someone on here that wants it bad enough so I think I will sell it to him and he can enjoy it. I was going to swap it but its so mint and has like 48k miles I didn’t want to be the one to do it. I want to replace it with a stockish f-body(i know mullet right) to just cruise around in for a summer daily.
good deal :tup:
I heard rumors of this build. Thing should haul the mail and then some. Nice to see some top notch build quality going into this
OLD NEWS! your snky be leakin’
Love LSX FD’s, i am jealous. Better bring it out this year!
lol yeah I didn’t care about being too snky I just didn’t want to make a thread till I had made real progress. Pssssht I am jealous of clean turbo f-bods! Maybe we should trade cars for a few days. :run:
I will deff be out for some fun cruise time this year. I am stoked!
Pics of your seats?
Best one I have
HEY! Put my friggen tires back on MY car!
Looks good. :tup:
I stole them joints!
I stole them joints!
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL You traumatically told me how much you liked my booty call. I am horrified for life now thanks.
Gimme some keystone
Hey! I told you to not embarrass me infront of my online friends goddddddddddddddddddd. That was the lolz at a mis-text though.
Keystone light, get it right get it tight sonnn. I got a 30 if you wanna indulge on some alcoholic club soda with me.
I had no idea.
This isn’t happening right down the road from me is it? I want a call if it is.
Yea… fuck them red cans of regular keystone
it’s all about the blue cans of keystone light
keystone doesnt even fit in a coozie lol. Probably because it sucks to casually drink
is it going to be AWD?
no love, for the studderin snky port work
oh wait?
car looks siqqq
Very nice, I like these… ALOT!!!
Umm I’m pretty sure not. FDs are fwd.
Siq build…
way to keep it under wraps you big jizz