i’ll be on the look out around my area. That sucks hardcore, lets catch this fucker.

was this stolen out side your house? did you park on the street or drive way?

Ali and I live up the street from you (bayview and elgin area). We’ll both keep a SHARP eye out.


Damn that really sucks, ill keep a watch for it in London. Goodluck man

why is this now happening to 240s? we need to get some people together and put a highly done up civic up in some tough parts of Toronto or the gta and just wait for these punks to try to take the car and then rush them with a group large enough to take down the g20 police to show these guys there going to get hit back hard. im down for this if any one else is that would be great and by the way what did the police say and how much would the insurance give you for the car? and i really thing these guys thought it had a sr20 with mods and if that’s the case you got to look and these places that buy and sell these motors they well sell you the motor then have someone steel it back from you and then sell it again. the Asian mob is all into this and most of these places that sell motors and parts are run by the triads, just look at pacific mall all those guys are thief and sell fake parts and stolen parts.

fuck man ill keep a eye out in scrborough when i go to work. thats fuckin weak shit.

too much, too soon.

So I posted this in the Offtopic section on NASIOC as the more exposure the better (and there are some Canadian members) – especially amongst “car people”.

I cannot believe some of the things these fuckheads have said. I’m all for bashing people about fitment, colours, wheel choices, blah blah blah blah, but NOT when it’s about a stolen fucking vehicle you’ve spent 2 years putting together and spending time and money on. And what, are their STi’s and WRX’s that much better? Fuck you NASIOC and fuck AWD (just kidding I love Subys, but still).

“This is certainly the right place for this, enjoy your stay.”

“Good. It was an ugly car, anyway.”

“What the **** is a Kouki?”

“Bronze battles? Wasn’t that in the bronze age?”

“I just saw this car driving in Denver!”

“i just spotted it in caracas venezuela”

“I dunno why you’re so upset… I’m sure the insurance money will be enough to buy another Kia.”

“They stole it because they were embarrassed aboot the fart can eh?”

“Also it turns out my Integra is a Kouki as well. Imagine that!”

“also you need to update your profile now that you no longer have a 1997 240sx…”

“with the size of that melon launcher you should be able to hear it from another province”

I don’t get riled up from internet-shit, but this kinda pisses me off.

any updates man i really feel for you on this. it’s to bad you didn’t have a quick release hub and wheel but you thought no one would steel a 240sx it’s not common, that’s what i thought too until now.

ill be on the look out

holy shit that sucks man, i’ll definately be on the look out for this

That’s so disrespectful. What the hell is wrong with people when they comment like that. I wanna see how they would feel if their cars got stolen. Don’t get too pissed off for stuff like that man just stay focused on finding your car. I told a lot of people about your car hopefully somebody spots it.

wow wat a bunch of fuck tards those other ppl are…

ill keep a eye out in whitby!
and a good eye in pickering i do alot of driving and go to alot of garages/shops around…

bro i feel for you, obviously you’d rather get your car back in one piece. But you can use this to your advantage if it does turn up stripped or something just come up with some reciepts for some expensive parts and you could get more then what it may have been worth. However, the time and effort put into it is priceless! Ill keep a lookout in brampton/sauga, good luck finding it

Sucks man ill keep an eye out in etobs…

sucks to hear

get a protege
they are under $1000 bucks usually for 2002+ and under

great on gas, and insurance.

and in ontario we are pretty lucky
all the stolen cars turn up farely soon.

No updates unfortunately :frowning:

I have a bad feeling that it’s already been stripped to pieces and I’ll never see it again – that’s what the police officer said was most likely the case.

And unfortunately I had no theft coverage (would have made my insurance rise from $670 to $1350 per month, which wasn’t doable).

yes that may likely be

but matty’s sold his 180sx the person who bought it had it stolen from them and recovered it later
forgot his name

Lewts have had a car stolen, and got it recovered
Lewts had rims stolen and recovered

I think there were 2-3 other cases in the past 2-3 years also where the cars were recovered with nothing more than bald tires.

^ thanks for the optimism :slight_smile:

Ouch, 1350 a month! Don’t want to know what tickets you have.

I have a feeling it will be found. With nothing missing but the wheels.