So my car is having some problems I scanned it and threw a few codes including “idle to high”, my car the other day (last time i drove it for more than 5min) it was idling at 1600rpm at running temp. Now today I go to put it around the block to see how it feels and heres how it went; I turn the car on and it makes some horrible grinding sounds as the rpm’s come back down from about 1600-1700rpm but nothing that I can see is rubbing (a little disconcerning), now it only goes back to 1300rpm which is a little higher than normal but it was cold, I wait until it gets to full temp and go to drive it, now its idling at 900 (not as bad as the other day but still way to high) I go to put it around the block, just let the clutch out and idle it around, now its goin about 9mph because I’m not using the gas and it keeps going but it doesnt feel right, its a little rough as if i had some aggressive cams in it, its nowhere near enough to stall it stays right at 900rpm but feels horrible. Any input would be great I posted this on ca-va but i cant reply to it it keeps telling me that “flood control wont let me post, wait 30sec. when its been 10min”
lol, maybe that means your car should just be blown up. lol j/k, but GL on the fix.
If it is a MAF car you may have a small vacuum leak somewhere. If so its worth a shot. If your PCV is still complete than your crankcase can have a vacuum leak too… Good Luck
I dont think its a vacuum leak my gauge says i have about 20psi vacuum and thats right where it should be, I should clean the MAF not sure how i didnt think of that, when my pcv valve was blowing oil into the intake maybe some got up in there somehow, I’ll try that and see what happens
I would be so lucky
Hopefully cleaning the MAF works. It helped my truck out some
is it running rich or lean when it does this?
grinding sound could’ve been IAC motor… maybe its faulty.
maybe it doesnt grind every time it starts which is a little odd, and its not the MAF its squeaky clean, god damnit I was hoping it would be easy like that, well back to brainstorming.
what kinda car is it bro? I’d seriously look at IAC. especially with that particular code…
its a 2001 Jetta 1.8t dont know how I forgot to mention that, I’m gonna borrow the extra car and go get some electronics cleaner to clean the MAF even though it looks perfect to me, I’m gonna drive it out later to a vw g2g and they are gonna scan it so if it doesnt get fixed by then atleast they may be able to help, and that do you meen by IAC?
Idle air control… i’m not sure what VW uses to control the air inlet to the motor at idle… but usually there is some sort of stepper motor involved… post your exact code etc and i’ll see if i can grab the diagnostic tree when i get home… alldata > all
Idle air control valve… AKA IAC valve
I’ll try and find those codes and postem up, I posted the one up there, the other said it was running lean it was somthing lke po5050 i cant remember let me find the slip I wrote it on
My GFs 1.8T had a bad problem with the coil packs taking a shit but it doesent sound like the same problem. Come to think of it she also had a problem with the air box hose clamp coming loose and after going thru a couple of worm gear clamps a T-bolt solved the problem
its not the air box I know that, its not coil packs because then the cel would be flashing on my dash and it would be really shuddering ( id know i had to replace one allready) and of course I cant find the slip of paper probably got thrown out for some reason
the more info you can get me the better.
I dont know if I can say anything more than I said in the first post that just about describes it, I’m gonna start it up again let it run for a few minutes and see how it feels.
i meant code wise and shit. i’ll see what i can dig up when i get home.
yeah im sorry man but thats the only one I can remember the slip must have gotten thrown out or I left it by a computer when I was at school trying to research what they meant
edit: just ran it for a minute and it feels fine but the cel is still on, confusing much :ponder :headbang
code is still in history… the cell will prolly stay on untill it passes certain number of cycles without fail.
well its gettin driven to albany later whether it likes it or not so i can get it scanned with vag-com so we will see whats up, it did grind that time though, very odd