my incident at tims

Another thing to remember is a judge is IMPARTIAL… don’t be intimidated at all, think of it as him/her being there to help you not convict you. They WANT to hear your story. Criminal court is just another building it maybe intimidating if you’ve never been there but really theres nothing to it. The cop has to prove his case… the lawyer pokes holes in the case. Rarely would they call you to the stand in your situation because it can be counter productive to what the cop is trying to accomplish.

Take it from someone with experience on both sides of the coin the crown will rarely call the accused to take the stand in a situation like this. If the cop’s case is weak they will just state “their” facts and not call you. If they do call you thats an extra opportunity for you to poke at their lies. However they will ALWAYS call someone to take the stand if they really think the accused is without a doubt guilty and they have a strong case to back it up if the accused is really guilty his answers will strengthen their claims.

Your lawyer will coach you when you meet tomorrow so no worries.

Good luck