my incident at tims

yea dont they have robbers rappist and other crack heads to be looking for not just some tuner getting his coffee thats pure bs dude i hope it gets better for you

Tell me about it. Pigs are just to damn lazy. They’d rather ruin young people’s lives than prevent murders.

Path of least resistance, that’s how I was trained!"

No matter what, cops are going to fuck with cars guys, theyalways have, they think that a driver going fast from a stop light kills people

But really the people that kill people are the shitty driver speeding everywhere, but since there driving a Pontiac G6 or Impala cops dont give a fuck, A New drive friend of mine got pulled over oing 50 over, He was driving his parents G6, got let off.

If that was me, I’d be in court right now. Its bullshit

Cops go after imports, thats the bottom line. Fast and The Furious framed all of us as people that go close off streets and race lmfao. We are criminals.

The soccer mom that speeds eveywhere, cutting people off, and shit is going to hurt someone faster then the “Street Racer” that opens his car up one day at a light.

Depending on your lawyer you may not even have to take the stand depends how good he is.
Considering you already retained a lawyer don’t sweat a thing… its his job to present and argue all the facts.

A good lawyer will coach you before your trial. Remember you paid him to do a job let him do it and don’t stress too much. The questions will be pretty straight forward and to the point if any. Just answer truthfully and keep the answers short. A good lawyer will correct any mistakes or slip ups you made or ask you the right questions to bring out the truth or shine the light in your favor.

Has your lawyer gone through the gameplan with you yet and gone through the officer’s notes with you to correspond with your story? and ultimately find holes?

If everything is as you stated even an average lawyer would be able to prove your innocence. Don’t stress…

Then they say they are trying to catch us young. So we learn.


We’re not discriminating


That’s our problem, you don’t need to worry about it.

3 famous lines…I grin a big one every time I hear any of them, they wonder why.

This has to be the most helpful post yet! lol No offense to anyone else. Thank you!

We are going to meet up the day before court to discuss everything. Thats all he said over the phone.

Cops are fucked, A Domestic could do a wheelie and kill seven children, and the cop would just ask them about there car

Another thing to remember is a judge is IMPARTIAL… don’t be intimidated at all, think of it as him/her being there to help you not convict you. They WANT to hear your story. Criminal court is just another building it maybe intimidating if you’ve never been there but really theres nothing to it. The cop has to prove his case… the lawyer pokes holes in the case. Rarely would they call you to the stand in your situation because it can be counter productive to what the cop is trying to accomplish.

Take it from someone with experience on both sides of the coin the crown will rarely call the accused to take the stand in a situation like this. If the cop’s case is weak they will just state “their” facts and not call you. If they do call you thats an extra opportunity for you to poke at their lies. However they will ALWAYS call someone to take the stand if they really think the accused is without a doubt guilty and they have a strong case to back it up if the accused is really guilty his answers will strengthen their claims.

Your lawyer will coach you when you meet tomorrow so no worries.

Good luck

ya if your lawyer is good chances are youll stand up when they call you they read abit of stuff and say a few words then your done.
i had a court case which i was in there for halfhr maybe… including security checks and waiting for other cases
one more thing… remember to check all your pockets for anything you shouldnt bring to court… last thing you want is to get charge #2 while visiting court
sounds stupid but people get screwed for little things if the cop is an asshole

Im going in with empty pockets and no piercings in my body lol. Avoid the hassle.

Thanks guys

that timmys at shoppers world is heat, i once was harrased for my silvia, same sinario, go trough drive tru, order , cop behind me, get my coffee lean over and reach for it, go to park, cop comes up to me an ask y my steering wheel is on the other side, he says its illegal, i lol, i pulled out my bible( ontario traffic law and regulations) showed him were it is legal to have this car in canada, i ask how would it be plated, insured, and ontario registered if it was illegal, he was stuned, he simply said im just doing my job, i said go back to traffic school. guy Dont LETS COPS SEE UR intimidated, they will rape u even harder, there worst that high school bulies, wanna see something funny, watch nitescream, a member, deal with cops, he fucks them up bad, i mean bad, and he is always right, lol!!

You have to have some smart in you to drive a modified vehicle now a days. If you don’t. You gonna get royally fucked.
I have gotten out of a lot of stupid shit that I was accused of on spot. But this particular night…not at all lol.

Shoppers world is heat, yeah. Yet, I have been going there for years. I do NOT park with all the tuners right beside tims. I chill behind Petro.

BTW, some pigs HATE when you bust out a section, or the entire HTA. Careful with that.

Don’t mouth off to Peel cops. They may not nail you that night, but they will talk about you, and put the word out to pull you over/ nail you. A guy I used to work with worked out with two cops from the Dixie station in Mississauga. Coming from their mouths , they pretty much said they will tell their friends and target your ass if you stand out for your mouth. Peel cops having NOTHING to do, especially at night. Be professional, never mouth off to them unless you have the time and money for what’s coming at ya.

87s15lt1 how did this turn out for you?

Still not finished yet. Can’t say much on the details as of yet. Long stupid shit. But we’ll see

How much did you pay for your lawyer?

Well. After a long haul and lots of money, I came out on top with ALL charges dropped entirely.
The crown and judge wanted to suspend my license indefinetley for 12 months. After all kinds of crap, and more money, my lawyer
came out with us on top.

5 g’s was my total.
I am NOT going to sue for court fee’s etc etc. I am glad this is fucking done and over with.

If anyone is curious as to who my lawyer is; Gary Batasar @ Peel Law Chambers in Brampton. Tell him I sent you and he’ll help you out.

I will NOT get into ANY MORE details over the net.

Thanks for all the help, support and constant interests in a fellow enthusiasts issue with the corrupt justice system :stuck_out_tongue:

Party time!!! :slight_smile:

…anyone down for tims?

lmfao but seriously, it’s good to hear that you got off clean. I go to court on april 1st for “stunting”, because I was driving a right hand drive. Driving like my grandma (minus the hitting people part lol) Same bullshit, different town.
It’s still shitty that you pretty much bought a $5000 coffee.

Win. That’s gonna be one pissed off cop.