my incident at tims

Unless that officer had his MTO ticket/license, He can not legally do a safety inspection on your vehicle. Either way, those tickets will get thrown out. Or just throw a bulb in the light. Go to the division and say you got it fixed. Done and done.

Darth Motorhead
Sucks that happened, hard to believe they’d just pull that for no reason at all - I know you wrote that he said you were dangerous driving and shit, but was it for that specific time and place exactly that night, or another?? There’s obviously nothing you’re leaving out here right?

I’ll admit most cops are stupid, douchbagish, and generally powertrippers - they mostly don’t actually earn the postition they’re in, it’s usually a combination of connections, brown-nosing, being enough of a goody bitch to never get themselves into anything bad - most of all they don’t actually know how to do their job, it comes down to shit training that has been passed down, ie how to talk and act like a cop

There are good cops out there, I know a few - and the morons, well they’re great to make fun of when you’re hammered drunk and you get to make fun of them while they’re on the clock

Sorry to hear of your bad luck running into one of the fuckstick assholes that pretend they’re worth the salary they get paid - no advice on my part, everyone’s already given it to you - hope you win it

The arresting officer stated to his buddies, even before I was informed; that I had peeled out of Tim Hortons drive thru.
I seen the cruiser come in and pull in behind me…so why would anyone do anything that stupid?

Yesterday I managed to get a hold of an officer I know. He looked up the incident on his in-car comp. He says the officer stated that I was drifting, doing doughnuts, burnouts and I almost hit a median.

Like, I wish I could literally re-play what happened and fucking make a video for everyone to see.