My new Exotic Pet

I got my octopus lastnight.
he has been pretty shy so far but is starting to get a little mroe comfortable in his tank.

how big is it gonna get?

Not really sure.
I am use to bimac octos and they get around 2foot tip to tip arm span.
The supplier had this listed as common octo for the store to order. So it could be any # of 6000 species of octo.

That thing is awesome!!!

when i get it some live food…I am gonna try and get some shots of it attacking the crab


how much does an octo run? looks pretty cool!

plus a crap load of care to make sure water is good and doesnt escape out of the tank.

that ain’t bad… are they known to just crawl out or what?

yep…any chance they get they will try…First octo i had when i was 11 did that and died on the floor


about the octo and about it committing suicide.

that is awesome. :yum:

thats sweet lookin

With EXCELLENT care most pygmy’s will last 2 years in captivity. Make sure you give him lots of ghost shrimps, krill, and other high protein crustaceans. Although he will eat guppies, stay away from scaled fish as they carry tons of parasites and bacteria(and scaled fish don’t have much nutrition and clog filters). If you can get a nice batch of ghost shrimp acclimated to brackish it would be your best bet. Most freshwater organisms have 60-80% water contents in their bodies. Most saltwater organisms only contain 20-50%, so them eating straight freshwater food isn’t good long term. If you need any ghost shrimp I got about 3000 in stock all the time. They can be hard to come across in the pgh area. They are definitely what you want to feed though.

On another note, makes sure your lids are latched on tightly and you have a sponge over the intakes on your filter. These guys are smart enough to unscrew lids of bottles as they are escape artists. If he would die in the tank get him out immediately as they release many toxins when they die. Any other questions let me know…here are a few pics of my and cb9SIR(member here) tanks…

damn he’s cute!

Dont know where you get your info…Any dwarf/pygmy will not live 2years in caprtivity…6-8months. Bimacs wich are the LONGER lived captive breed lives 1-1.5years max
I am not sure on this breed…i think it might be a bimac since I think i spotted the eye moarks on its body.
I will not feed it anything that is not straight saltwater. Freshwater or even brackish will have limited nutrients needed for it and very fatty. its like us eating candy. might taste good to it but its not healthy for it.

once again I have plenty of time put into caring for octos.

that thing looks badass!

wow, that is so cool man, fish in a tank, too cliche :cool:

Sorry the pics were taken with my cell phone…

If you want the best of the best then, I can order in some snails/hermits for you at a about .20-.35 a piece depending on the luck of our divers. We import many Pygmy species from florida from a diver we personally deal with. A friend and very experienced saltwater enthusiast has had his Caribbean pygmy for almost 2 years now, like I said with excellent care. Its in a full reef enviroment minus corals/fish/inverts, but does include a refugium. He used to propagate some larger copepods and anthropods for fresh natural food. He usually feeds ghost shrimp @ 1.021.

let me guess…the divers name is Tom or Dan