my rant !!!! please read

I understand exactly what standing point your coming from, however, my situation was slightly different, in a most effecting way.

Yes, I got the motor for free, and WAS going to put my own money into it, etc. Someone came to me, looking for a motor, at the same point in time at which my tuition fee was arising. Now, although OSAP is readily available it does take a couple months if not more to go through. Before hand, I had money. School tuition wasn’t a worry for me, but I’m sure many are aware of things that can, and will happen, and unfortunately for me, they did. I’m not going to get into complete detail with that seeing as how its personal, however, OSAP to me was not available. My father makes to good of an income, I’ve applied for OSAP numerous amounts of times, and have been declined at least 4 times so far. My parents are hard on making me do things for myself, and I accept that, so I have. I just paid of school for this semester, and still need to find another $1800 for my summer semester, and with no job…well, its not easy.

Someone came to me who needed a motor, knowing I had one. My full intention was to use it, and had even been searching around at that point for a coupe, you can ask any of my closer friends. However, like I said, shit happens, and it defiantly caught my off guard. There was no intention to willingly make money of of Bryan with the free block I picked up, nor did I want to, but when someone offers you $300 for something you can put on hold for a while, and your stuck in a situation where you need that $300 to help fund your future…well, in my opinion, if I was Bryan, and Bryan was myself, I’d embrace it.

I’m not one for making shiesty deals or ripping people off, I mean c’mon look at my FS threads, I want whats somethings worth, not 10X more because its “JDM”. Like I said before, I completely respect Bryan, have and will be trying to get a hold of him, but in the meantime, you have to realize my situation. Shit, if I wasn’t at gunpoint for tuition, you think I’d get rid of that block? Hell no! That would be getting rebuilt as we speak, and than put into another car for myself. I hate living pay cheque to pay cheque, but even right now I CAN’T even do that…

I’m not asking for sympathy, I’m asking for everyone to understand my situation and respect it, and at that point understand why I did what I did, not to make money of a great guy.



EDIT: and Samson, I gave that motor to Bobby for free, even with a bunch of stuff still on it, but I still gave you the $100 regardless.